Print Preview¶
Print Preview is used to view the Print Previews of diagrams and tables.
Print Preview¶
The Diagram/Table in the Diagram Editor is viewed by Print Preview.

Click [Print] to start printing.
Display Size
Use this option to change the scale of the display.
Use this option to change the number of columns.
Print Setup
Please refer to the Print Setup (Diagram) section for more details.
Preview Multi¶
Preview Multi is used to view the Print Previews of multiple diagrams and tables in the Project.
To preview the multiple diagrams, go to [File] - [Preview Multi] in the Main Menu.

Diagrams and Tables are previewed in order of the table in the Diagram dialog. To change the order, click on the header of [Name], [Kind], or [Parent].
Select the target Diagrams in the diagram dialog.
Click [Select All] / [Deselect All] to select/deselect the all target Diagrams/Tables.
Click [OK] to display the print preview.

Print the previewed diagrams/tables.
Display Size
Set the display size for the print preview.
Set the number of output columns.
Print Setup (Project)
Please refer to Print Setup (Project) for details.