Search View

To search model elements or hyperlinks in the Project and replace strings contained in the names by using [Search] in the “Project View”. To search model elements in the Diagram with strings, use the [Search Bar] in the Diagram Editor.

[Search] Tab

In this tab, you can search model elements or hyperlinks in the Project and replace strings contained in the names.

Search by Strings

Enter key strings that are included in the name of the target model element and click [Search]. To distinguish between Capital or non-capital letters, check [Case Sensitive]. To use regular expression, check [Regular Expression].

Search by Strings

Additional Search Options

The following search options can be selected from the combobox.

<<Undrawn and Unreferenced Models>>

Search for the Models that are not drawn in Diagrams and that are not referred by other Diagram Elements.

<<Undrawn Models>>

Search for the Models that are not drawn in Diagrams.

<<Unreferenced Models>>

Search for the Models that are referred by other Diagram Elements.

<<Invalid Hyperlinks>>

Search for the disabled hyperlinks.


Strings that are included in the names of model elements can be replaced as follows:

  • Search model elements

  • From the search result, select a target model element

  • Enter a string in the replace text box and click [Replace]

To replace the names of all the model elements displayed in the search result, click [Replace All].