Setting Mindmap Style Template¶
Mindmap style templates can be customized from [Tools] - [Mindmap] - [Mindmap Style]. This Mindmap style template can be selected from the Mind map Pop-Up menu. And Style templates can be imported and exported.
Selecting Style Template¶
Select default or added style templates.
Adding Style Template¶
Create a new style template.
Style Template Name¶
Input a style template name.
Select an original template¶
Select an original template.
Renaming Style Template¶
Rename style templates.
Removing Style Template¶
Delete the style template selected in “Select Style Template” dropdown list. The default style templates cannot be removed.
Importing Style Templates¶
Import style templates (.properties) for Mind Map.
Exporting Style Template¶
Export style templates (.properties) for Mind Map.
Set Mind Map style.
Apply the same line color to the Child topics¶
To apply the same line color to child Topics, select “True”.
Default [true]
Set custom color for new root edge¶
To set the custom color in the system properties to new root edge, select “True”.
Default [true]
Set the Topic style.
Topic Level (except a root topic)¶
To set the Topic level, set the number of level.
Default [2]
Please select the following items for each Topic level.¶
Topic Style
Line Width
Line Color
Background Color
Text Color
Child Topic Horizontal Space
Child Topic Vertical Space
Set the Edge style.
Edge Level¶
To set the Edge level, set the number of level.
Default [2]
Please set the following items for each edge.¶
Edge Style
Lind Width
Line Color
Start Line Factor
End Line Factor
Set the Boundary style.
Boundary Style¶
To set the Boundary Style, select from [Cloud]/ [Straight Line]/ [Rounded Line].
Default [Cloud]
Line Widt¶
To set the line width, set the number of width.
Default [2]
Line Color¶
To set the Boundary line color, select the color.
Background Color¶
To set the Boundary background color, select the color.