Customize HintWord

Customizing the hint words is executed on the menu [Tools] - [STAMP/STPA] - [Customize HintWord].

Customize Hintword

Editing the Hint Word Set

Hint Word Set [built-in]

In Astah, the following Hint Word Set has been built-in.

  1. STPA Handbook

Selecting the Hint Word Set

Select the built-in Hint Word Set from [Select HintWordSet].

Selecting the Hint Word Set

Renaming the Hint Word Set

Select the Hint Word Set from [Select HintWordSet] and click on [Rename]. The name of the built-in Hint Word Set cannot be changed.

Rename the Hint Word Set in the Customize HintWord dialog.

Renaming the Hint Word Set

Deleting the Hint Word Set

Select the Hint Word Set from [Hint Word Set Selection] and click on [Delete]. The default or built-in Hint Word Set cannot be deleted.

Cloning the Hint Word Set

Select the Hint Word Set to be copied from [Select HintWordSet] and click on [Clone].

Input the Hint Word Set name in the Customize HintWord dialog. The same Hint Word Set name cannot be specified.

Copying the Hint Word Set

Importing the Hint Word Set

To import the Hint Word Set in the XML format, click on [Import].

The file to be imported should be the same XML format as the exported file.

Exporting the Hint Word Set

Select the Hint Word Set from [Select HintWordSet] and click on [Export]. Export the Hint Word Set in the XML format.

Default setting of the Hint Word Set

Select the Hint Word Set from [Select HintWordSet] and click on [Set as Default].

If the built-in Hint Word Set is set as default, the Hint Word Set built-in the project is created.

Default Setting of the Hint Word Set

Localing the Hint Word Set

Select [ja] (Japanese) or [en] (English) from [Locale].

Hint Word Sets which display Hint Words are changed by this setting and the language setting of the application.

Image of the Hint Word Set

Select the Hint Word Set from [Select HintWordSet] and click on [Select] of the image to specify the image file.

The image specified as the Hint Word Set can be previewed by [Preview].

Editing the Hint Word in Hint word set

Edit the Hit Word of the Hint Word Set selected from [Select HintWordSet].

The built-in Hint Word Set cannot be edited.

Editing the Hint Word Set

Adding the Hint Word

Click on the [Add] button to add the Hint Word in the Customize HintWord dialog.

Editing the Hint Word

Select a Hint Word on the Hint Word list and click on the [Edit] button.

Edit the Hint Word in the Customize HintWordSet dialog.

Editing the Hint Word Set

Deleting the Hint Word

Select a Hint Word on the Hint Word list and click on the [Delete] button.

Changing the order of the Hint Words

Select a Hint Word on the Hint Word list and click on the up arrow or down arrow button to change the order.