UCA Table¶
The UCA Table is a table to analyze the control actions (those are automatically extracted from the control structure) based on the guide words. The UCA Table is created under the project.
In the cell of UCA on the UCA Table, UCA ID, UCA, and Violating Safety Constraint ID are displayed.

Guide word in the UCA Table¶
In the UCA Table, four types of guide words are defined.
Not Providing
Providing causes hazard
Too early / Too late
Stop too soon / Applying too long
Edit UCA Table¶

Changing the CA Value¶
Double-click on the CA cell to edit the control action.
Changing the From Value¶
Double-click on the From cell to edit the source-component name of the control action.
Changing the To Value¶
Double-click on the To cell to edit the target-component name of the control action.
Changing the CA Providing Condition¶
Double-click on the CA Providing Condition cell to edit the Providing Condition of the control action. Multi-line input is enabled in the CA Providing Condition columns.
Editing the UCA¶
Double-click on the cell of the guide word (Not Providing, etc.) to display the UCA dialog.

Editing the UCA¶
Double-click on the Text cell of the UCA to edit a UCA. Multi-line input is enabled in the Text columns.
Double-click on the cell of the Violating Safety Constraint of the UCA to display the Violating Safety Constraint Edit dialog.
In the Violating Safety Constraint Edit dialog, the Safety Constraint defined with the Loss Hazard Safety Constraint Table is displayed. Select the Safety Constraint and click on [OK].

Deleting the UCA¶
Select a UCA in the UCA dialog, and click on [Delete].
Add Non UCA¶
Click on [Add Non UCA] in the UCA dialog to add a Non UCA.
For a Non UCA, an ID number is not generated.

Editing the Non UCA¶
Double-click on the Text cell of the Non UCA to edit Non UCA. Multi-line input is enabled in the Text columns.
For a Non UCA, the Violating Safety Constraint cannot be set.
Deleting the Non UCA¶
Select a Non UCA in the UCA dialog, and click on [Delete].
Changing the UCA/Non UCA¶
UCA/Non UCA can be changed with the check box in each row in the UCA dialog.
If the check box in the UCA dialog is ON, it means UCA, while if OFF it means Non UCA.
If UCA is changed to Non UCA, its ID and Violating Safety Constraint will be cleared.

Changing the order of UCA/Non UCA¶
Select a UCA/Non UCA row in the UCA dialog, and change the order using the up arrow or down arrow button.

Change the order of the CA¶
The order of the CA on the UCA Table can be changed by dragging and dropping the row in the table.
If the order of the CA is changed, the UCA ID will be renumbered.

Outputting the UCA Table to an excel file¶
To output the UCA Table to an excel file, click on the [Output to the Excel File] button at top right on the UCA Table.