Import from Astah GSN
You can import the project files created by Astah GSN into Astah.
How to Import¶
Select [File]-[Import]-[Astah GSN Project (.agml) …] from the Main Menu. or select [File]-[Open].
Select the agml file you would like to import from the file selection dialog and click the [Open] button. If you are on Windows, change the [Files of type] to enable you to choose the Astah SysML files (.asml) first.
The selected file will be imported into Astah.
If there are any problems or information with the import result, they will be displayed.
Problems and information may be displayed across multiple lines, and each with the following levels of status.
INFO: This indicates that the Model Element was imported but some of its properties were changed or lost.
WARNING: This indicates that the Model Element was not imported.
ERROR: This indicates that the project import completely failed.
The following models and diagram elements will be ignored during import.
Unsupported Mini Icons
Tagged Values