Precondition Table

The Precondition Table is the list of the Precondition IDs and Names. The Precondition Table is created under the project.

Precondition Table

Editing the Precondition Table

Add Precondition

Right-click on the Precondition Table and click on [Add Precondition] on the context menu.

Add Precondition

Changing the Value

Double-click on the cell to edit the Precondition ID/Name. Multi-line input is enabled in the Name column.

Delete Precondition

Right-click on a cell in the Precondition Table and click on [Delete Precondition] on the context menu.

Delete Precondition

Changing the Order of the Precondition

The order of the Preconditions in the Precondition Table can be changed by dragging and dropping the row in the table.

Changing the Order of the Precondition

Outputting the Precondition Table to an excel file

To output the Precondition Table to an excel file, click on the [Output to the Excel File] button at top right on the Precondition Table.

Excel Output