Control Loop Diagram

The Control Loop Diagram is to show the extracted components related to the control action.

Control Loop Diagram

Diagram Element of the Control Loop Diagram

Description of icons






This is the mode for basic operations with the Diagram Editor.
Select all the diagram elements (components, links, feedback links, notes, etc.).



Add a component.



Add a link.

Feedback link


Add a feedback link.



Add a start/end point.

For others, refer to Common Diagram Elements.

Hint Word Set

Hint Word Set

The Hint Word Set for Loss Scenario dialog is displayed.


For creating and editing the components, refer to Component on the Control Structure Diagram.

Control Action

For creating and editing the control actions, refer to Control Action on the Control Structure Diagram.


For creating and editing the feedback, refer to Feedback on the Control Structure Diagram.

Start/end point

For creating the start/end point, refer to Start/End Point on the Control Structure Diagram.

Process Model

For creating and editing the process model, refer to Process Model on the Control Structure Diagram.

Hint Word Set

Displaying the Hint Word Set

The Hint Word Set shows the Hint Word Set for Loss Scenario.

Hint Word Set

Changing the Hint Word Set

The hint word set is set in the STPA Handbook as a system-defined hint word set.

Select from the drop-down list at top left of a Hint Word Set the dialog.

The specified Hint Word Set will be reflected in all Loss Scenario tables that correspond to the same control loop.
Hint Words in the Loss Scenario table with the modified hint word set will be cleared.
Select the Hint Word Set


For the Hint Word Set, hint words can be changed or a new hint word can be created. For customizing the Hint Word Set, refer to Customize HintWord.