Customizing the Stereotype

In SCDL, you can customize the stereotype and the Requirement color for each stereotype by editing the property files stated below.


The configuration can be shared within the team by distributing and deploying this configuration file.

Setting a Stereotype

When you start Astah, is automatically created with the default settings.

Once created automatically, you can easily customize it with the text editor.

Setting Example

The setting below is applied to “Requirement 1” in the following figure:

Overview of the Setting Items

  1. The string that shows the stereotype

The string that identifies the stereotype.

Do not overlap with other stereotypes.

  1. Setting item name

Setting item name of the property

  • name (required)

    Stereotype name

    Enter continuously without leaving a space. (Example: FunctionalSafetyRequirement)

  • general (required)

    Specify the name of the parent stereotype which is the Stereotype Generalization (inheritance).

    • Requirement

      Specify the name of the parent stereotype, such as SafetyRequirement. If there is no parent, specify RequirementType.

    • Requirement Group

      Specify the name of the parent stereotype, such as SafetyMechanism. If there is no parent, specify RequirementGroupType.

    • Element

      Specify the name of the parent stereotype. If there is no parent, specify ElementType.

  • keyword (Required)

    Abbreviation for stereotype displayed on the diagram. (Example: SG for SafetyGoal)

  • default (Optional: The default value is “false”.)

    Specify “true” for the stereotype to be applied when creating a new model.

    It can be specified to only one of the stereotypes applicable to the same model type.

  • color (Optional: The default value is the setting value for the System Property.)

    Background color of the Diagram Element with the stereotype applied

    Set with a hexadecimal RGB color code.

    Example: Enter “#FF0000” for the red color.

  • interaction_color (Optional: No default value)

    *It can be set to the Requirement.

    Line color of the Interaction output from the Requirement.

    Set with a hexadecimal RGB color code.

    Example: Enter “#FF0000” for the red color.

  • order (Optional: No default value)

    Specify the order in which the stereotypes are displayed, as an integer value such as 3 or 10.

    The smaller value is displayed first. If it is not specified, the stereotype is displayed in no particular order at the end.

  • abstract (Optional: The default value is “false”.)

    Specify “true” for abstract stereotypes that appear only as the Generalization Parent.

    If “true” is specified, the stereotype is hidden and cannot be applied to the model.

Predefinition of Stereotypes

The following stereotypes are predefined in the SCDL Metamodel. The name and general cannot be changed, but the other items, such as the display color, can be overridden in

  • SafetyRequirement (general=RequirementType)

    Indicates that the Requirement is a safety requirement in which the weighting (ASIL) can be evaluated.

  • SafetyGoal (general=SafetyRequirement)

    Indicates that the Requirement is a safety goal whose weighting (ASIL) can be defined.

  • NonFunctionalRequirement (general=RequirementType)

    Indicates that the Requirement “Is not allocated to element” by default.

  1. Setting value

Setting value of each property of the stereotype