[Base] tab¶
Edit the Operation Name.
Edit the definitions.
Return Value
Edit the Return Value Type.
Select it from the combo box or enter the Type name.
Edit whether it is a Static Operation.
Edit whether it is an Abstract Operation.
Edit whether it is Leaf.
Edit the definitions.
[Parameter] tab¶
Edit the Parametric Name.
Edit the Type.
Select it from the combo box or enter the Type name.
Direction Kind
Edit the Direction Kind. (in/out/inout)
Add button
Add a new Parameter.
Delete button
Delete the selected Parameter.
Edit button
Edit the details of the selected Parameter.
[Stereotype] tab¶
Refer to requirement - [Stereotype] tab for details.
[Precondition] tab¶
Display the Precondition Name.
Edit Precondition
Edit the Precondition.
Select the Precondition from the Constraint and edit it.
Add button
Add a Precondition.
Delete button
Delete the Precondition.
↑/↓ button
Modify the order of the selected Preconditions.
[Post Condition] tab¶
Display the Post Condition Name.
Edit Post Condition
Edit the Post Condition.
Select the Post Condition from the Constraint and edit it.
Add button
Add a Post Condition.
Delete button
Delete the Post Condition.
↑/↓ button
Modify the order of the selected Post Conditions.
[Body Condition] tab¶
Display the Body Condition Name.
Edit Body Condition
Edit the Body Condition.
Select the Body Condition from the Constraint and edit it.
Add button
Add a Body Condition.
Delete button
Delete the Body Condition.
↑/↓ button
Modify the order of the selected Body Conditions.
[Constraint] tab¶
Refer to requirement - [Constraint] tab for details.
[TaggedValue] tab¶
Refer to SysML Related Functions - Profile for details.
[Hyperlink] tab¶
Refer to Basic Function - Hyperlinks for details.