[Base] tab¶
Display the belonged Namespace.
Edit the Requirement Name.
Edit the ID.
Edit the Text.
[Client] tab¶
Model Name
Display the Client Name.
Model Type
Display the Client Model Type.
Dependency Type
Display the Dependency Type.
Add button
Add a Client.
Delete button
Delete the selected Client.
Edit button
Edit the Client.
Display the Client setting dialog when adding or editing the Client.
[Supplier] tab¶
Model Name
Display the Supplier Name.
Model Type
Display the Supplier Model Type.
Dependency Type
Display the Dependency Type.
Add button
Add a Supplier.
Delete button
Delete the selected Supplier.
Edit button
Edit the Supplier.
Display the Supplier setting dialog when adding or editing the Supplier.
[Stereotype] tab¶
Edit the Stereotype Name.
Add button
Add a new Stereotype.
Delete button
Delete the selected Stereotype.
↑/↓ button
Modify the order of the Stereotypes.
[Dependency] tab¶
Display the Dependency Name.
Display the name of the Dependency target.
Depend Type
Display the Depend Type.
Display the Dependency Type.
Delete button
Delete the selected Dependency.
[Constraint] tab¶
Display the Constraint Name.
Edit Constraint
Edit the Constraint.
Select the Constraint and edit it.
Add button
Add a Constraint.
Delete button
Delete the Constraint.
↑/↓ button
Modify the order of the selected Constraints.
[TaggedValue] tab¶
Refer to SysML Related Functions - Profile for details.
[Hyperlink] tab¶
Refer to Basic Function - Hyperlinks for details.
[Synchronization] tab
Refere to Model Integration Related Functions - Synchronization of Model Elements for details.