Meet the Friends of Astah
Friends of Astah include software developers, business analysts, IT consultants, engineering professors, authors, conference presenters and others who have used Astah – and loved it! Our friends do awesome work with Astah, and we are happy to support them. Meet our friends below, or join the program and be featured yourself.
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Johnny Pan AKA 水球潘

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Why I love Astah
I am a CEO of Waterball Software Academy and teaching Software Design Pattern.
In my course, I use Astah to draw a lot of diagrams to demonstrate the technics of OOA/D modeling. I love Astah and have been using Astah for modeling for many years and I do know how to powerfully harness Astah to do practical modeling, that's the reason why I have many students.

Yuxin Zhang

Why I love Astah
I find Astah System Safety is really a good tool for Automated Driving Systems Safety research and teaching, and I am using it in my future AD safety research and related courses and presentations at the conferences I attend.

Duc Hoang

I have a long time experienced with Software Modelling, started with Rational Rose, Borland Together, Pattern Weaver, and after that, JUDE, which now becomes Astah, in comparison to the two formers, Astah is very lightweight but easily and smartly manipulated tool.
Besides, from 2010, I also started to make acquaintance with Model-Driven Engineering MDE) process with IBM Rhapsody, but it quite big and not easy to inject into an enterprise-sized legacy system. So that I have developed Astah plugin called ClasHStamP, which can generate Class and Hierarchical State-machine code with a simple round trip code parser, which helps to synchronize with code, to meet the Agile process.
I am working for Seiko Epson Corporation as a firmware system engineer, an MDE promoter and trainer, as well as Unity game programming hobbyist, and Astah along with its plugins is extensively helping me in the work, in a very productive and a smart way.
Why I love Astah
Astah is very lightweight yet easily and smartly manipulated tool.

Brian Cham

New Zealand
Why I love Astah
Astah is the best UML tool I have come across. It has comprehensive features, yet is very easy to learn and use, which is why it is my default modeling tool. It was a pleasure to build a plug-in for Astah since it has an extensive API and documentation that allow for many possibilities.

Carlos de Souza

Why I love Astah
I develop the "Alertas Climaticos / Weather Warnings" project which is a flood alert system and I use Astah to draw UML diagrams and keep the documentation of the project. I have plans to distribute this project under MIT license soon, so people around the world will be able to improve this solution and use it to help other communities that have the same problem with regular floods as my city has. I am sure that sharing the Astah files attached to the programming code will be very useful for anyone to work on this project.

Yasuo Hosotani

Why I love Astah
I love Astah for UML features, of course, and also its ability to draw other diagrams other than UML and integrate them all. Astah can be utilized for various purposes for any ideas. I also love all the developers of Astah!


Why I love Astah
Astah has been very helpful for my designing work; and I hope to be able to do all my software design with Astah. I look forward to future features like a whiteboard drawing option, and expansion of UMLpad.

Ron Howe

Why I love Astah
I run training programs and we use Astah in the classes. Our curriculum includes "Introduction to UML" where we teach UML notations, "Approach to Requirements Definition using UML" that we teach the procedure of hearing and organizing the requirements from clients using Astah. In other classes, we draw Flowcharts and ER Diagrams with Astah for "Introduction to Algorithms" and "Introduction to DB" that have been very useful.

Robert Hanmer

Why I love Astah
I'm very impressed with its ease of use and how this has carried into aides to keep diagrams tidy. Astah was great to quickly create needed UML for a new book.

Richard Thomas

Why I love Astah
I have set Astah, and previous versions of JUDE, as the standard modeling tool used for teaching at both the Queensland University of Technology and the University of Liverpool. It is a simple and lightweight tool that makes it easier for students to create and modify UML diagrams while learning OO analysis and design.

Rasheed Abdul-Aziz

New Zealand
Why I love Astah
Astah lets me quickly outline designs, and then refine them into the patterns I will probably use. While there are some good online tools, I still prefer native ones, and as far as UML on the Mac goes, Astah is by far the simplest to use.


Why I love Astah
I found Astah UML really impressive. My practice of listing requirements using a mind-map, then drilling down with class and sequence diagrams as system design proposals and then let the design evolve as part of scrum activities. I found Astah worked very well my style of delivery (especially with Agile).

Pascal Lando

Why I love Astah
PhD in computer sciences and object oriented technologies trainer, Pascal Lando worked with UML since the early 2000's in several research and professional projects. After having experienced many UML tools, Astah became his everyday modeling application, the perfect compromise between light sketching webapps and heavyweight CASE platforms.

Norio Kasahara

Why I love Astah
I was in Mamezou Co, Ltd. for six years and Astah has been a must-have-tool for me from when it used to be called "JUDE". I have always used Astah to draw diagrams for my articles for the JavaWorld magazine and the IT Architect. Now I draw ER diagrams with it for my work and its very useful. Astah's usability was improved dynamically at version 6.2 and it is admirable how Astah never stops evolving like that.

Nabi Zamani

Why I love Astah
I've know Astah from a time when it was called JUDE. As a Mac user I tried out many UML modeling tools, functionality and ease of use are very important to me. I have chosen Astah because it offers all UML diagrams you need for modeling software, it also supports ERDs, and diagramming tools that others often do not. Astah is also very intuitive to learn. Furthermore, it runs on different operating systems - including OS X. I will use Astah for all my tutorials which I publish from time to time on my website. Thank you guys!

Milan Smiesko

Slovak Republic
Why I love Astah
I'm "old-school" little bit, so I prefer to draft my architecture/designs on a paper and then transform it to the regular UML/case tool. So this Astah UML Pad tool makes me really happy, it gives me the freedom to make my designs electronically wherever and whenever I feel creative at that moment. With the desktop version I am able to transfer my drafts to the desktop for finalizations and code generation. This is really great!

Masayuk Ueki

Why I love Astah
I used Astah for the integration between VDM (Formal Methods, an abbreviation of "Vienna Development Method") and UML, and also to draw diagrams for my work (SCSK Corporation). The Astah API enables us to develop Plug-ins by ourselves, I'm extending Astah's functionalities the way I need by myself. Hope we can share more useful Plug-ins with other users.

Masaaru Amano

Why I love Astah
I run training programs and we use Astah in the classes. Our curriculum includes "Introduction to UML" where we teach UML notations, "Approach to Requirements Definition using UML" that we teach the procedure of hearing and organizing the requirements from clients using Astah. In other classes, we draw Flowcharts and ER Diagrams with Astah for "Introduction to Algorithms" and "Introduction to DB" that have been very useful for our classes.

Martin Aarnoudse

Why I love Astah
Martin Aarnoudse, age 21, lives in Dirksland (The Netherlands) he works as a Delphi system engineer in the container transport industry. Martin also has a personal company called JMAdesign, where he develops websites for many different types of customers. Martin's bachelor is in IT, he continues to study all things technology related.

Lisa Crispin

Why I love Astah
As a 'bug magnet' Lisa uses Mind Maps in her everyday work and in published writing. Lisa is the co-author of the book "Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams" (with Janet Gregory) and a contributor to the book "Beautiful Testing".

Klaus Hinderer

Why I love Astah
I have spent some time looking for a UML tool that suits my needs and runs on different platforms (especially Linux). I felt immediately comfortable with Astah, so I tested it with some real-life models. I have a complete set of diagrams that test most UML tools to their limits, especially in sequence diagrams. What surprised me was that creating sequence diagrams in Astah feels so "natural", especially the versatile message numbering.

Kevin Nilson

Why I love Astah
I've spoken at conferences such as JavaOne, Devoxx, JAX, Silicon Valley Code Camp, and AjaxWorld and am also the author of Web 2.0 Fundamentals. Astah is my favorite tool for UML. It is simple and easy to use.

Kent Beck

Why I love Astah
Mind Maps engage the whole brain in thinking, both in creation and review. I used mindmaps as I drafted the 2nd edition of my book.

Juliano Baggio di Sopra

Why I love Astah
I have worked for more than five years with collaborative project management and development for internet business and nonprofit organizations and I have been using Astah in the last three years to manage most of these projects because it provides a unique quality for managing and sharing many stages of the applications from only one place.

Jose Rodriguesa

Why I love Astah
I have been using Astah for many years. Actually, I started with JUDE. Astah is a very simple and complete tool, yet easy to use. I have successfully recommended it to my students for a long time.

Jose Augusto Fabri

Why I love Astah
I have a PhD in Operation Management, and am a professor of software engineering in the Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana in the city of the Cornlio Procopio, Brazil. Besides publishing in the field of software production process, organization, and creation, I also have an Introduction to Software Engineering blog.

Jose Carreno

Why I love Astah
I've been designing and developing Java/JEE software for several years and I discovered Astah Community 2 years ago. I now use it in my daily work because it enables me to build software architectures from UML diagrams thanks to its plug-ins mechanism. After several successful projects, I decided to give my work back to the community by releasing any code plug-in.

John Greenhow

Why I love Astah
Astah UML Pad really helps because I'm always short of time and it's hard to get many contiguous hours in front of the computer for project work. Instead, I can use Astah to progress my project on the train or even when I'm baby-sitting! This lets me be clear on my designs so that I can make efficient use of 'coding time', and even though I'm building fast, I can keep code quality to a maximum because I've had the chance to think it through properly.

Johannes Kuah

Why I love Astah
I enjoy modeling abstract concepts and relationships, especially using UML. Have used a myriad of UML tools but found Astah to be very lightweight, sufficiently complete, and great for modeling at an abstract level without being implementation-specific.

Isashi Uchida

Why I love Astah
I am in charge of MBD(Model Based Development) and MBSE(Model Based Systems Engineering to research and consult the incorporation of quality use for MBSE with SysML. We cannot get the full benefit of MBSE incorporated with SysML without proper tools. I have high expectations for Astah SysML.


Why I love Astah
I use Astah for defining requirements and also drawing operation flows. I like Astah how it is intuitive and stress-free. I have launched Astah West-Japan Community. Come check it out if you are interested!

Helder Cesar

Why I love Astah
Modeling is the word behind the dozens of wonderful functionalities in Astah. When I was doing my graduation courses, Astah was a big help to understand and model complexes projects, especially the ones that need to be planned carefully. Now I have a degree in Computer Science and Astah still helps me to make big problems simple, the real swiss army knife of modeling, planning, software engineering. The "must have" tool of every dev.

Haim Michael

Why I love Astah
Haim Michael has more than 15 years of experience in software development and has taught academic and professional courses on UML, Java, Java EE, .NET, Scala, PHP, HTML5, Android and other mobile development topics in Israel and in India. He is also the founder of; where people all around the world can enjoy a huge range of free courses about various advance software technologies.

Fabian Gilson

Why I love Astah
I'm using Astah for drawing all kind of UML diagrams in my teaching activities. I also recommend it to my students since it is cross platform and easy to learn and use. Among its other advantages, Astah offers all kind of UML diagrams in its free version, it generates rasterized images without ugly watermarks and it also provides some semantic validation of diagrams as well as cross diagram validation.

Connor Doyle

Why I love Astah
At this point Astah is my default modeling tool. I plan to use it extensively in the coming months during development of my capstone project for my Masters in Software Engineering, a framework and API for multi-agent machine learning research. The developers of Astah were also very responsive and gracious when I contacted them about the product. Overall, I couldn't be happier so far!

Carmen Brando

Why I love Astah
I use Astah to visually prototype and refine my software models for complex systems. Then I share the designs to communicate them to my team. When the software models need refining Astah allows me to update it more easily than other modeling tools. This means that my design remains in sync with the code.

Andrzej Wislowski

Why I love Astah
I am a fan of Java and JVM Architectures. Astah has helped me in my projects many times.I found it a very powerful and easy to use tool in comparison to other programs.

Alex Papadmoulis

Hi there,
I’m Alex, and I started Inedo back in 2007.
I didn’t really have a vision for where Inedo would go — I just knew that I was good at understanding requirements and writing code, and I was fortunate to know a bunch of like-minded developers who could help me out. Over the years, we picked up some exciting custom software projects for customers in all sorts of different business domains, got into developer training and process improvement, and soon after decided to build a software product of our own.
It wasn’t easy, and creating BuildMaster nearly bankrupted us. I spoke a bit about why in an interview with Scott Hanselman, but long story short: it’s a whole lot harder to build a software product than just writing code. But we’re definitely on the right track now, and the future for Inedo is clear and bright.
Oh, and if you’re ever frustrated with Inedo, want to say hi, or even chat about other opportunities, feel free to email (apapadimoulis at inedo) or call (direct/cell 440-391-1845).
Why I love Astah
Astah is my go-to tool to communicate any complicated project, or pattern visually. Ensuring my team is all on the same page from the beginning makes our development cleaner and faster.

Anna Filina

Why I love Astah
I have been modeling for 15 years with many tools and Astah is by far the most professional and powerful tool I came across. It lets me model with ease, helping me focus on the content. I also create mind maps to organize my thoughts when working on slides for a conference or business plans.