
ChangeVision Members (CV Members) is an exclusive platform by Change Vision, Inc., providing support and license management services for our valued users.

Who Should Join?

Paid license holders of Astah Products.

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Licensing FAQ

Q: How can I access my license file?

  1. Log into CV Members site and click [License Management].
  2. Choose [Reissue this license key] OR [Download this license key] and click [Next].

Q: How can I see my license information?

  1. Log into CV Members site and click [License Management].
  2. Your license information appears. Click [Details] tab to see the details of your license information.

Q: How can I transfer my license to someone else in my company?

  1. The current user logs into CV Members site and clicks [License Management].
  2. Choose [Apply for license transfer] and click [Next].

Q: How do I register my paid license?

Please refer to our License Guide.

Q: I registered my license but Astah says I am still using the evaluation version.

To activate your paid license in Astah and switch out of the evaluation version, please follow these steps:

  1. Download your license file
  2. Set the license in Astah
    Open Astah, then navigate to: [Help] > [License] > [Set License Key]
    Select the downloaded license file to complete the activation.

Q: How can I renew my license?

Please refer to our License Guide.

Q: How can I cancel my subscription?

Please submit a cancellation request from this form.

Q: Where are the Astah log files?

When you are asked to send log files along with your bug report, please send the 2 log files that are stored in your home directory.

EditionLog filesLocation
Astah Professionalastah_pro.log, astah.logUSER_HOME\.astah\professional
Astah UMLastah_uml.log, astah.logUSER_HOME\.astah\uml
Astah SysMLenv.log, trace.logUSER_HOME\.astah\sysml
Astah System Safetyenv.log, trace.logUSER_HOME\.astah\systemsafety

Additionally, if your bug may be related to the plug-ins, please send us the log file accordingly which you can also find in the USER_HOME\.astah\professional(the edition you are using) directory.

Plug-inLog file nameLocation
C++ Reverse Plugincplusreverse.logUSER_HOME\.astah\professional (Edition you are using)
C# Reverse Plugincsharpreverse.log
USER_HOME\.astah\professional (Edition you are using)
Easy Code Reverse Plugineasycodereverse.log
USER_HOME\.astah\professional (Edition you are using)
State Transition Tablestatepath.log
USER_HOME\.astah\professional (Edition you are using)
State Transition Pathstatematrix.log
USER_HOME\.astah\professional (Edition you are using)
DB Reverse Plug-indbreverse.log
USER_HOME\.astah\professional (Edition you are using)