Diagrams for Systems Modeling Language
The SysML process is designed to support the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of systems. Your planning and modeling process is faster and easier using a tool that supports the variety of necessary SysML diagrams such as those included in Astah SysML.
Block Definition Diagrams
Block definition diagrams define the systems and their structural relationships and other structural components.
Internal Block Diagram
Internal block diagrams define an internal structure of blocks based on the relationships between blocks connected by using parts, ports and connectors.
Requirements Diagram & Table
Requirement diagrams are helpful in software development, allowing you to set up hierarchy definitions and derive relationships between requirements and test cases. Requirement diagrams can be used in conjunction with requirement tables. Tables include the requirement’s name, ID, and description and can imported or exported to a Microsoft Excel file.
Parametric Diagrams
Parametric diagrams enable you to confirm the important parameters to the system by expressing constraints between the system by using parameters.
Sequence Diagrams
Sequence diagram are an interaction diagram that describes an object’s interactions arranged according to the order in time they occur.
Unlike most “drawing tools,” Astah offers the ability to drag classes and actors into sequence diagrams to create lifelines, and create messages with the operations that are defined in class diagrams.
Statemachine Diagrams & State Transition Tables
Statemachine diagrams describe the transitions of events that an object has. They can be used in conjunction with state transition tables, which help you monitor and analyze the transitions of states and events across the entire table to revealing subtle errors before they have widespread effects.
Activity Diagrams
Activity diagrams demonstrate a process flow, very similar to how a general flow chart does.
Use Case Diagrams
Use case diagrams describes what kind of service the system provides users by drawing relationships between system functions (Use Cases) and external environment (Actors).
Mind maps are included in Astah, so that you can gather and organize user requirements using mind maps, then turn them into use case models using the diagrams that contain specific use case and actor elements.
Mind maps
A mind map is a powerful way of visualizing your thoughts and expanding your ideas endlessly. For brainstorming, taking quick notes at a meeting, or taking notes on user requirements, mind maps can be widely used to visualize objectives and inspire ideas. Furthermore, mind map topics can be converted to SysML diagram models in Astah.