Third Exploration (Beijing) Technology Co., LTD.
– Specialists in Automated Driving Systems Safety Engineering –
Third Exploration (Beijing) Technology Co., LTD., abbreviated as 3RDX, is our esteemed partner specializing in training and consulting services.
They are dedicated to cultivating professional system safety engineers and utilize our product, Astah, for training purposes.
WHO is 3RDX?
The core team of 3RDX hails from the Automated Driving Safety Joint Lab of Jilin University, China. Their primary research focus is automated driving systems safety engineering.
To advance the application of safety systems engineering in safety-critical systems, particularly automated driving vehicles, 3RDX provides training and consulting services based on Astah, especially Astah System Safety.
Areas of Expertise:
- Automated Driving Systems Safety
- Systems Safety Analysis
- Safety Systems Engineering
Training Services Provided:
3RDX Team offers a comprehensive suite of training services designed to foster expertise in:
- Automated Driving Systems Safety
- Systems Safety Analysis
- Safety Systems Engineering.
Tool to Use in Training:
Training Service Languages:
3RDX provides training services in both Chinese and English, catering to a diverse clientele and ensuring a broad impact on engineering education.
Training Regions:
3RDX offers training services in various regions. For details on availability and to discuss your training needs, please contact 3RDX.
Contact Information:
If you are interested in advancing your skills through 3RDX’s professional training services or have questions, please reach out to them through the following means:
- Email:
- Website: Coming soon
- Website: Coming soon