Timing diagrams in Astah Professional and Astah UML describe the behavior of classifiers and their interactions, focusing on the timing of events that cause changes in modeled conditions of Lifelines. They emphasize changes within and among Lifelines over time.

UML Timing Diagrams in Astah Professional and Astah UML
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How to Create Timing Diagrams

  1. Navigate to the [Diagram] option in the Main Menu and select [Timing Diagram] to initiate a new Timing Diagram.
    How to create Timing Diagram

  2. Upon creation, a new Lifeline appears in the Diagram Editor, ready for modeling.
    New Timing Diagram in Astah
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The Timing Diagram is enclosed in a frame where its name is displayed. This name can be edited by double-clicking within the frame or through the property view or the structure tree.

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A Lifeline represents an individual participant in the diagram. In Astah, a single Lifeline is already on the diagram after you create a new Timing Diagram.

Adding Lifelines

There are several ways to add Lifelines on Timing Diagram.

1. From Tool palette

  1. Select [Lifeline] from the tool palette.
  2. Click on desired location to add a new Lifeline.
    Create a Lifeline from a tool palette

2. From Context Menu

  1. Right-click an existing Lifeline.
  2. Choose [Insert Lifeline Above/Below] from the context menu.
    Insert New Lifelines in  Timing Diagram

3. Drag and Drop

  1. Drag and drop a Class or Component onto the Timing Diagram.
  2. A new Lifeline will be created with the dropped model as its BaseClass.
    Create Lifeline by drag and drop Class

4. Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Select a Lifeline.
  2. Press [Enter] to add a new Lifeline below, or [Shift] + [Enter] for above.
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State / Condition

Every Lifeline includes a default State/Condition.
State and Condition in Timing Diagram

You can rename this State/Condition by directly double-clicking it or the property view (Left-bottom pane).
Renaming States and Conditions

Adding States and Conditions

There are two ways to add States/Conditions.

1. From Context menu

  1. Right-click a State/Condition.
  2. Select [Insert State/Condition Above/Below] from the context menu.
    Insert States/Conditions

2. Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Select a State/Condition.
  2. Press [Enter] to add a new State/Condition below, or [Shift] + [Enter] for above.
    Add new States and Conditions
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A Timeline is automatically attached to a State/Condition.
Timeline in Timing Diagram

Moving the Timeline

Timeline can be moved by directly dragging to another State/Condition.

  1. Select the timeline that you want to move on the diagram.
    Timeline in Timing Diagram

  2. Simply drag it to another State/Condition.
    Dragging a timeline to another state/condition

  3. Now the duration of the timeline is moved to the target State/Condition.
    Timeline in Timing Diagram

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Enable the Representation of Continuous State

Starting from version 10.0, you can now toggle the timeline presentation to display continuous state.
To enable this, right-click on the timeline and select [Continuous State] from the context menu.

Alternatively, you can activate this feature through the [Continuous State] option in the property view, located in the bottom-left pane.
continuous-state-option in Timing Diagram

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Messages between Lifelines (including asynchronous and reply messages) are created by selecting a message type from the tool palette and designating start and end points.

  1. Select a Message type you want to create from the tool palette.
  2. Click on a start point then an end point.
    Create Messages

  3. A message will be created.
    Messages complete in Timing Diagram
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Duration Constraint

You can represent a DurationConstraint from the step below.

  1. Select [Duration Constraint] on the tool palette then click a start point.
    Creating a Duration Constraint at Step1

  2. Click on the end point and ensure that the red arrow is indicating the duration you want.
    Creating Duration Constraint at Step2

  3. Complete the label.
    Duration Constraint

  4. Now the Duration Constraint is shown on the diagram.
    Complete Duration Constraint

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Time Constraint

You can represent a TimeConstraint from the step below.

  1. Select a [Time Constraint] on the tool palette then click a start point.
    Creating a Time Constraint

  2. Click a start point then end point.
    Creating a Time Constraint

  3. Complete the label and it’s done.
    Time Constraint in UML Timing Diagram
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Tick Mark Values and Timing Ruler

You can adjust tick mark values, intervals, and their visibility to suit your needs. This is done either through the diagram’s property view or by directly interacting with the tick mark via right-click.

Setting the Default Values

For consistent modeling, set default values for tick intervals and other options by navigating to [Tools] → [System Properties] → [UML]. Adjust your preferences and apply them with [OK].

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View Mode

Astah supports two primary view modes for Timing Diagrams: Full and Compact.
Each serves different visualization needs, from detailed analysis to simplified overview.

Full View:

The standard, detailed visualization showing all elements. This mode is default and ideal for in-depth examination of diagrams.

Compact View:

Offers a simplified overview by briefly showing States/Conditions in each Lifeline. This view is beneficial for presentations or when a high-level diagram summary is needed.

In Compact View, your ability to edit is restricted. While you can rename Lifelines and States/Conditions, the tool palette is disabled, limiting further modifications. This ensures the diagram remains clutter-free and focused on essential information.

Switching View Mode:

There are two ways to do switch the view mode:

  1. Via Structure Tree:
    Right-click on the Timing Diagram in the Structure Tree and select [View Mode] → [Full/Compact].
    Switching View Mode for UML Timing Diagrams

  2. Via Diagram context menu:
    Right-click on the Timing Diagram and select [Show Compact View] or [Show Full View].
    Switch the visibility of Timing diagram to Compact View Mode

    Show Timing Diagram in Full Mode