FlatLaf Light Theme Sample
FlatLaf Light Theme on Astah System Safety
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Apply Light Theme

You can choose your preferred theme to apply to Astah from [View] – [Look & Feel] in main menu.
Available product and version are as below:

  • Astah Professional, UML and Viewer version 9.0 and later
  • Astah System Safety version 8.0 and later

Pre-installed Themes

There are nearly 70 pre-installed themes you can choose from. Here’re the previews of each one of them. Or you can see the best 8 themes we recommend.

To see all available themes, please pick the category.

  1. Light Theme
  2. Dark Theme
  3. Dark Themes (Material)
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Available Light Themes

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Light Theme - Arc

Arc – Orange

Light theme - Arc Orange

Atom One Light (Material)

light theme - Atom One Light (Material)

Atom One Light Contrast (Material)

Light theme - Atom One Light Contrast (Material)

Cyan light

Light theme - cyan light

FlatLaf IntelliJ

Light theme - FlatLaf - InteliJ

FlatLaf Light

Light Theme - FlatLaf Light

GitHub (Material)

Light theme - GitHub Material

GitHub Contrast (Material)

Light theme - GitHub Contrast (Material)


Light theme - Gray

Light Flat

Light Theme - Light Flat

Light Owl (Material)

Light theme - Material

Light Owl Contrast (Material)

Light Theme - Light Owl Contrast (Material)

Material Lighter (Material)

Light Theme - Material Lighter (Material)

Material Lighter Contrast (Material)

Light Theme - Material Lighter Contrast (Material)

Solarized Light

Light Theme - Solarized Light

Solarized Light (Material)

Light Theme - Solarized Light (Material)

Solarized Light Contrast (Material)

Light Theme - Solarized Light Contrast (Material)