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Actors in UML UseCase Diagram
You can create an Actor by selecting it on the tool palette. You can choose a normal actor or a business actor from the drop-down menu.
Actors on tool palette

※ Business Actor is not supported in Astah System Safety.

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You can directly double-click on a diagram to create an UseCase or the other ways described in the Diagram Editor page.

You can choose a normal UseCase or Business UseCase from the drop-down menu.
UseCase and Business UseCase

※ Business UseCase is not supported in Astah System Safety.

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Extension Points

UML UseCase Diagram Extension Point

You can add Extension points from the UseCase’s Pop-up menu.
Extension Point

Show UseCase name outside

UseCase name location

You can switch where to show UseCase name/information by [Name in Oval] option.
UseCase Name location

Extend / Include

Sample Extend and Include between UseCases
You can add Extend and Include by using the suggest feature.

Extend - Include - UseCase
Have a mouse over an UseCase then choose a dotted line with [E] for Extend and [I] for Include, then drag it to a target UseCase.

Creating an extend between UseCases


Extends are not the same as Dependencies with the Stereotype extend. Same with Includes. Includes are not the same as Dependencies with the Stereotype – include.
Dependencies with “extend” or “include” stereotypes will NOT be recognized as Extends or Includes by Astah.

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UseCase Description

You can create one UseCase Description per UseCase.
There are three built-in templates for UseCase Description so that you can choose the one to match your clients. Also, you can create your own templates.
UseCase Description

※ UseCase Description is not supported in Astah System Safety and Astah SysML.

Open UseCase Description

To open/create an UseCase description, choose [Open UseCase Description] from UseCase’s pop-up menu.
Open UseCase Description

Switch Templates

There are three pre-installed templates for UseCase Descriptions.

  • Astah Original (Default)
  • Complete Format by Alistair Cockburn
  • RUP Style

To switch template,
1. Go to [Tools] – [Template Settings] – [UseCase Description].
Switch Template

2. Choose the template you’d like, and click [OK].
UseCase Template Switch

Create a custom template

You can create your own template for UseCase Description.
1. Go to [Tools] – [Template Settings] – [UseCase Description].
2. Click [New] and customize it as you like based on the template you chose.
Create a new template for UseCase Description

3. Customized Template file will be saved as “” in the Userhome/.astah/professional(uml)” directory.