Installation and Client Setup

This guide describes how to install and activate Astah Faculty Site License. This Site-Wide License allows access on university-owned computers to all faculty, staff and students in the purchasing department.
And faculty, staff, and students are also able to install Astah products on their personally-owned computers.

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Summary of Steps

  1. Administrator generates the license files. (If you have not generated them yet, go to register license first.)
  2. Administrator distributes the license file to end-users.
  3. End-users download Astah products and set the license file to activate the software.
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Distribute the license files to end-users by directly sending it to them or making it available on the website for them to access. To silent-install Astah on multiple computers at campus, please read here.

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End Users : Install and activate

First, receive a set of license files from your teacher or the license Administrator.
The license file you use varies depending on the product.

License file name
Target product
astah_faculty_license.xmlAstah Professional
astah_faculty_sysml.licAstah SysML
astah_faculty_system_safety.licAstah System Safety

Now, choose the product you want to use.

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Use Astah Professional

  1. Download Astah Professional.
  2. Launch Astah Professional and go to [Help] – [License] from main menu.
  3. A license window opens. Click [Set License key] and choose your “astah_faculty_license.xml“.
    Astah Professional License Management Window

  4. Then you are all set! The following online contents should help you pick up Astah faster.
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Use Astah System Safety

  1. Download Astah System Safety.
  2. Launch Astah System Safety. You will be asked to set a license file. Click [Yes].
  3. You will see the window below, click [Set License key] and specify “astah_faculty_system_safety.lic” file.
    Astah System Safety License Setup Window

  4. Then you are all set! The following online content should help you pick up Astah faster.
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Use Astah SysML

  1. Download Astah SysML.
  2. Launch Astah SysML and go to [Help] – [License] from main menu.
  3. A license window opens. Click [Set License key] and choose “astah_faculty_sysml.lic“.
    Astah SysML License Setup Window
  4. Now you are all set!