Thank you for purchasing Astah Faculty Site License! This page shows you how to activate it.
If you already have a set of license files delivered, you can skip here and go to the Installation & Client Setup.

If you don’t have the license files yet, please have the License Number and Validation Code ready and issue the license file by following the instruction below.

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Register License

  1. Log into CV Members site and click [License Registration]. (Create an account if you don’t have it yet.)
    License Management Menu

  2. Enter the license number and validation code. Click [Add].
    Register Astah License new

  3. Choose the start date of your license, then click [Next].
    Astah License Registry Setting date

  4. Make sure that your email address is correct, then click [Register License].
    Astah License Registration

  5. Email is sent to you. Access the URL in the email and download the license files.
    Or you can directly download them from the website.

  6. Distribute the license files to all the faculty and students who need to use Astah.
    Now go to Installation and Client Setup.