SysML 1.5 (March 13, 2019)

Released: March 13, 2019
Model Version compatibility link: 40
Bundled Java: AdoptOpenJDK 8u181-b13

AdoptOpenJDK as Astah’s JRE

Due to Oracle’s end of public support of Java8 for commercial users, we’ve changed the bundled JRE for Astah to AdoptOpenJDK.
If your company security policy does not allow a use of app with un-supported JRE, update to version 1.5, then you will be all set.

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Other Improvements

  • [7410] We switched the bundled JRE from Oracle Java to AdoptOpenJDK.
  • [7437] [Update Diagram] menu is added to adjust objects’ size and layout on the diagram. Since we’ve changed a drawing library from this version, diagrams created with earlier versions may look different on this version.
    This [Update Diagram] menu fixes the difference to make the diagram look right.
Update Diagram in Astah SysML