Astah Profile Plug-in

Astah Profile Plugin is a cutting-edge solution for adding profile editing capabilities directly within Astah. Streamline your workflow with enhanced customization and efficiency.


Compatible with
Latest Version
1.2.0 (January 9, 2025)


Plugin Overview:

Astah Profile Plug-in is an innovative plugin to add an ability to edit profiles within Astah.
Currently Astah SysML and System Safety are not able to create custom profiles with tags, only internal profiles, however, it can import external profiles. In order to create a profile, you will need to use EclipseUML by following this page. However, you will be able to create a profile without using EclipseUML by installing this Plug-in.
UML Profiles Plugin Featured Image



  • Create new profiles
  • Load and save profiles
  • Add stereotypes to the profile
  • Set metaclass for stereotype
  • Add tags to stereotypes
  • Set type for a tag
  • Update Profile Changes in Existing Project Files (Currently addition of new stereotypes and properties only)


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Installation Instructions:


  1. Download the latest .jar from the release page.
  2. In Astah, navigate to [Plugin] -> [Installed Plugins].
  3. In the dialogue box, click [Install], then select the downloaded .jar file.
  4. Restart Astah and either start a new project or open an existing file.
  5. The installation is successful if you see the [UML Profiles] tab in the top-left pane.
    UML Profiles Tab in Astah SysML



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How to use

Once the plug-in is successfully installed, the [UML Profiles] tab will be available in the top-left pane.
UML Profiles Tab in Astah SysML


1. Creating a new Profile:

First open the [UML Profiles] tab located in the top-left pane. If this is your first time accessing this tab, a new profile setup will be initiated automatically. Begin by clicking the [Template], and then double-click on the Value column to enter the profile name and URI. If this isn’t your first time using this pane, or if an existing profile is displayed, simply click the [New] button to start creating a new profile.

Creating a new plugin


2. Opening an existing Profile:

To open an existing profile, click on the [Open] button. Then, select the profile you wish to edit to load it into the editing pane.
Astah UML Profile Plugin


3. Editing Profiles:

Adding a Stereotype:

1. Right-click on the Profile and select [Add Stereotype] from the context menu.
Adding Stereotypes via UML Profile Tab


2. A dialog box will appear prompting you to enter the name of the stereotype. Type in the desired name and click [OK].
Adding New Stereotypes via UML Profile View


3. Once the stereotype is created, provide a name for it. Then, specify the metaclass for the stereotype (either ‘Class’ , ‘Property’ or ‘Operation’) using the dropdown menu provided.



Adding Tags to Stereotypes:

1. Right-click on the Stereotype to which you want to add a property and select [Add Property] from the context menu.
Adding a Property via UML Plugin View


2. A dialog box will open for you to enter the name of the Property. Type in the desired name and click [OK].
Adding a Property Name via UML Profile View


3. The new Property will be added to the Stereotype and displayed in a tree structure. Here, you can enter its name and select its type from the dropdown menu.
Select a type for property


4. Saving the Profile:

To save all the configurations you’ve made in a profile, simply click the [Save] button.
Saving a UML Profile via UML Profile View

The profile will be saved as a UML Profile in a .uml file format.
This .uml file can then be distributed to your team members. They can apply the shared profile to their environment by selecting this distributed .uml file.
For loading profile into Astah SysML or Astah System Safety, please follow the steps on this guide.


5. Updating Profile Change to existing Project files:

    1. To apply profile updates to existing project files, click the [Update model] button. Updating Models via UML Profile Plugin


  1. Select the .axmz file that was created with Astah SysML or Astah System Safety and uses the profile you wish to update.
  2. After selecting the .axmz project file, the system will generate a new file. This file is a copy of the original, with the updated profile applied. The new file will be named as XXXX(original project file name)-upgraded.axmz.
  3. The original project file will be retained as a backup.


  • The current profile update process supports the addition of new stereotypes and properties only.
  • Modifications or removals of existing stereotypes are not currently supported in the update process.
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