Astah miro plug-in

Import UML Class diagram from miro to Astah and vice versa. Also an import of mind map from miro is supported.


Compatible with
Latest Version
No technical support is provided.
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How to setup

  1. Create a configuration file .astah-miro.json under the user home directory and edit the content below.
    "token": "Access Token"
  2. First of all, you need to have a miro account. If you don’t have it, create one.
  3. Click this link to create a development team.
  4. Now open this link
  5. Click [Create new app] button on the page.
  6. Enter App name and Description in the dialog and click [Create App] to create an App.
  7. Now you will be taken to the page where you configure details of the App. Under [OAuth scopes], enable these two permissions
    – boards: read
    – boards: write
  8. Click [Install app to get OAuth token].
  9. Click [Install] to the designated team you want to install this app to.
  10. Make sure you choose a team that has a board you want to connect with Astah instead of choosing [Dev team]
  11. An Access Token will appear, copy this access token and save it somewhere.
    – Do not expose this access token publicly.
  12. Add this Access Token to the “token” of astah-miro.json file.


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How to install

  1. Download the .jar file from releases.
  2. Start Astah.
  3. Install the plugin at the Plugin List Dialog ([Plugin] -> [Installed Plugins] -> [Install])
  4. Restart Astah.

About support

We do not provide technical support for this plug-in.

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  • Attributes and operations would not be imported/exported.
  • The export of Mind maps to miro is not supported.
  • Only Mind map import is supported for Astah SysML.
  • Astah fails to import Mindmaps if you choose a miro board that has more than one Mind Map.

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