Embed Astah diagrams directly in documents of the Microsoft Office products (Word and Excel..etc).
* Currently, silent installation cannot be performed.
This is an example of using Excel.
* Currently, there is a problem that the menu labels appear in Japanese only on MS products. Please read here for translations.
When you update the diagram, go to [OfficeBridge] – [Update Diagram] from Astah to update the embedded diagram.
Currently, all the menu labels appear in Japanese only on MS products. Here’re the translations.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
When you click [Edit], an individual window with embedded diagram appears.
This connects to Astah if the connection was disconnected.
This sends a request to Astah to send the latest diagram to the document.
You can choose to save the file path to the connected .asta file as an absolute path or relative path from the document file. You can configure the default setting on the above where marked as (1) and per diagram in the bottom – where marked as (2).
* Port number you see here is what you specify in Astah and you cannot modify it.