Astah Mermaid Plugin

Astah Mermaid Plug-in enables you to convert Astah’s Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams to a Mermaid diagram source file.


Compatible with
Latest Version
Change Vision, Inc.
No technical support is provided.

What is Mermaid?

Mermaid is an excellent JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that takes Markdown-inspired text definitions and creates diagrams. Now it works within Github.

Mermaid Original Image

What you can do with this plugin

You can export Astah diagrams to Mermaid code. So that you can paste the diagrams in Mermaid, GitHub and more – wherever this Mermaid code works.
Since Mermaid is completely text-based, you can even keep diagrams under Git version control.

Astah Mermaid Feature Image

How to Install

  1. Download the Plug-in file.
  2. After the download is complete, drag the downloaded .jar file to an open instance of Astah. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm installation, choose [Yes]. If the pop-up below opens restart Astah.
    Astah Plugin Install
  3. If you see [Mermaid plugin] menu under [Tools], the installation is complete!
    Astah Mermaid Plugin


How to Use


Export multiple diagrams at once

    1. Open a project file, then go to [Tools] – [Mermaid plugin] – [Save as Mermaid format]
    2. A file chooser opens, specify where you want to save the exported code
    3. Mermaid code of Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams will be saved in the specified directory.

Export per diagram

    1. Open a Class diagram or Sequence diagram you want to export the code of
    2. Go to [Tools] – [Mermaid plugin] – [Copy this diagram to clipboard]
      Now you can use this code to create UML diagram on Mermaid.


Supported model elements

Currently, only Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams are supported. Supported model elements are as below:

Class Diagram

Classes, Associations, Dependencies, Realizations, Usages, Generalizations, Attributes, Operations, Parameters, Return Values and Stereotypes

Sequence Diagram

Lifelines and Messages

※If you’d like to export Flowchart, you can use this Script via Script Editor!

Many thanks!

Thank you Avens666 for an inspiration!

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