Enjoy New Look & Feel
Astah v9.0 is now in FlatUI. Enjoy this new flat simple design.
Also, there are 18 light themes you can choose from. Go to [View] – [Look & Feel] – [Light Themes] and find one that works for you. Here’s a gallery of new light themes.
Dark Mode is now available
Now you can use Astah in Dark Mode. About 50 themes are pre-installed.
Go to [View] – [Look & Feel] – [Dark Themes] and get your Astah go on Dark.
Diagram Thumbnails
Now you can see all the diagrams in thumbnails and open them from this gallery.
To open diagram thumbnails, select [Open Diagram Thumbnails] from package’s context menu.
You will get the overview of all the diagrams within the selected package.
Enhanced Traceability
Now Astah’s context menu provides much more detailed reference information per model.
You can see where this model is used without actively looking for it by yourself.
If you’d like to see a complete traceability, please use Astah Professional’s “Traceability Map“.
Enhancements and Resolved Issues
General | Common Diagrams
- [8614] FlatUI is now available.
- [7422] When deleting a model from the structure tree, the confirmation message no longer appears if the diagram that has a target model on is also deleted.
- [7491] Related ports now appear in the Search result if the model you are looking for are the type of models that do not appear in the Structure Tree.
- [8030] Now a confirmation message appears when deleting models from [Property View] that are referenced by other models.
- [8031] Now you can scroll pop-up menu options under [Show in Structure Tree] and [Related Diagrams] menu if it does not fit in the screen.
- [8321] Now, the following models are searchable in [Search in Diagram].
- Statemachine Diagram
- Initial Pseudostate, Final Pseudostate, Shallow History Pseudostate, Deep History Pseudostate, Junction Pseudostate, Choice Pseudostatete, Fork Pseudostae and Join Pseudostate
- Activity Diagrams
- Decision, Merge Node, Fork Node and Join Node
- Statemachine Diagram
- [8377] Now [All Related Diagrams] from the structure tree enables you to jump to referenced Attributes and Operations.
- [8513] Now you can choose to print target model names that will be printed in another page from [File] – [Print Setup] – [Diagram].
- [8532] Now horizontally, vertically, and horizontally aligning of models can be done at the same time.
- [8535] CamelCase search can now be disabled in [Search] and [Search in Diagram].
- [8540] Now [Search in Diagram] works for all the other texts other than its name in attributes, operations and slots and a name of Icon Notation.
- [8571] Astah now shows an alert message if you drag and drop a file that Astah does not support to load.
- [8586] If you have a class that shows all namespaces (by [Extended Visibility] – [Namespace] – [All Parent], now its related Classes are shown in the same display level.
- [8605][8567] Re-organized options in the System Properties and removed outdated properties including [Use Proxy Setting from Internet Explorer (Windows Only)] option under [Network].
- [8577] Astah now shows an alert when an error occurs when loading SVG files.
- [7355] Fixed a bug that some diagram elements cannot be searched on diagrams by alias even on alias mode.
- [8094] Fixed a bug that closing Astah right after opening the filter of the hierarchical tree would cause an exception error.
- [8506] Fixed a problem in which both the rectangle and name of a pin were hit when searching on a diagram.
- [8542] Fixed a bug that [Select All] button is still enabled even all is selected already.
- [8553] Fixed a problem that necessary information for bug-fixes are not included in log files.
- [8554] Fixed a problem that the level of log output cannot be changed in the option file.
- [8558] Fixed a problem in which logs were not output for some errors related to floating licenses.
- [8560] Fixed a problem in which an exception occurred when opening an alias tree in a project file with an invalid model.
- [8580] Fixed a bug that wrong models were shown in [Show in Structure Tree] or [Related Diagrams] option.
- [8608] Improved a message that appears when floating license seats ran out.
- [8593] Fixed a bug that caused an exception when editing a diagram by mouse operation.
Class Diagram
- [8390] Fixed a bug in the structure tree that when a class was moved and the package was changed, the model of the diagram element would remain in the original package.
- [8543] [Show in Structure Tree] menu now displays class names of attributes and operations.
- [8556] Fixed a bug that when duplicating a package, the actual parameters of the template binding were deleted or remained referring to the class before duplication.
- [8584] Astah now shows a message when you attempt to delete a class referenced by a template class from a model.
- [8624] Astah now shows a confirmation dialogue when deleting bounded TemplateClasses and TemplateParameters.
- [8606] Fixed a bug that caused a freeze when repeatedly moving and clicking the mouse when generating a relation between realizations.
- [8610] Fixed a bug that caused incorrect namespace for the related template binding when changing the package to which the class belongs.
- [8619] Fixed an alert message that appears when saving skeleton code fails.
Sequence Diagram
- [8480] Fixed a bug in which messages were not reassigned to the selected execution specification.
- [8525] Fixed a bug in auto-layout where state invariant expressions, etc. were placed on Create Messages.
- [8526] Fixed a bug in which message with duration constraints would appear in “jump” presentation.
- [8555] Fixed a bug that duplicating a package would clear out the assignments to Message.
- [8569] Fixed a bug that Auto-layout does work for Messages even though the connected models were invalid.
- [8258] Fixed a bug that ‘Search on Diagram’ does not work for Messages correctly.
Communication Diagram
- [8258] Fixed a bug that ‘Search on Diagram’ does not work for Messages correctly.
- [8514] Fixed a problem that messages outside of the diagram would not appear even [Show name of related elements outside viewpoint] option is enabled in the system properties.
Activity Diagram
- [8594] Fixed a problem that actions and object nodes could not be created consecutively.
Mind Map
- [8537] Fixed a problem that texts that were found through [Search on Diagram] would not get highlighted.
- [8561] Now Astah tells you via message when there are no conflicts.
- [8583] Fixed a problem that merging projects would cause an exception error if a name of related models located outside of the diagram is shown.
- [8563] Now Astah can detect models that have incorrect namespaces.
- [8478] Now a title bar of Diagram Editor does not appear by default on Mac.
- [8561] Fixed a bug that logs aren’t exported property when an exception error occurred at correcting invalid models.
- [8563] Now Astah can detect models that have incorrect namespaces.
- [8644] Fixed a bug that an activator of the Execution Specification would become null when running [Correct Invalid Models] command.