You are able to select model elements inside the model(Listed below) by dragging
Submachine State
Component Instance
Structured Class
Improvements on the paste
Now you are able to paste copied contents where the mouse is located
Export SVG
You are able to export SVG images by setting up “Batik SVG Toolkit” library
How to set it up
Close Astah first and then download “Batik SVG Toolkit” Copy the contents of zip to Astah install folder\lib\batik and then start Astah again.
[Tool] – [Export Image] – [Save Diagram as SVG]
[Tool] – [Export Image] – [Save Multiple Diagrams as SVG]
Improvements on Diagram Editor GUI
[Close] button on Diagram Editor tab
While running Astah on Java6, [Close] button appears on the tab of Diagram Editor
List of Diagram lists on Diagram Editor
While running Astah on Java6, a list of all the diagrams appears on the left of Diagram Editor
[Delete] key deletes all the selected Role names and Multiplicities at once
Improvement on Line color for Subtype
Astah now records the width of Project View of Astah when you ran the Astah last time
Improvement on tool bar GUI
[Set Line Color] button is added on Tool bar
[Stereotype Normal], [Stereotype Icon] and [Customized Icon] buttons are combined
Nimbus Look & Feel is available
When cloning a diagram, cloned diagram would open in the Diagram Editor in a size fit in a window
Exception logs are recoded in log file while running Astah
Collaboration function has been removed due to end of life of JUDE/Server
Improvements on API
Following methods are implemented in order to create a project by specifying a default model to ProjectAccessor
public void create(String projectPath, String defaultModelPath) throws IOException;
public void create(String projectPath, String defaultModelPath, boolean useDefinedTaggedValues) throws IOException;
Get Required Interface from Class/Port
Add a getClientRealizations() method to INamedElement, in order to get a Realization which selected Class is a client
Add a getSupplierRealizations() method to INamedElement, in order to get a Realization which selected Class is a supplier
Add a getClientUsages() method to INamedElement, in order to get a Usage which selected Class is a client
Add a getSupplierUsages() method to INamedElement, in order to get a Usage which selected Class is a supplier
Orthogonal Regions
Following methods are implemented to IState
public int getRegionSize();
public Rectangle2D getRegionRectangle(int regionIndex);
public IVertex[] getSubvertexes(int regionIndex);
Requirement Diagrams: Following methods are implemented
IRequirementDiagram to represent the Requirement Diagram
IRequirement to represent the Requirement
ITestCase to represent TestCase
IRequirementTable to represent Requirement Table
ITraceabilityMap to represent Traceability Map
By using getType() for IPresentation, you can get “Containment”, “Requirement”, “TestCase”, “DeriveReqt”, “Copy”, “Satisfy”, “Verify”, “Refine” and “Trace”
Fixed Bugs
[4003] Attributes and Operations should not be added to Components on the Diagram Editor by Ctrl+F(Attribute) or Ctrl+M (Operation)
[4002] Attributes and Operations should not be dragged and dropped to Components on the Diagram Editor
[4000] Requirements, Testcases and Artifacts should not be set in [System Properties] – [Basic] – [Default Type of Attribute]
[3991] [Export Java] and [Export C++] do not work properly if there is a Class that has Template Parameter with Primitive Type
[3990] An exception happens when executing [Export C++] if there is a Template Binding with Primitive Type and Actual Parameter specified
[3989] Notation of Required Interface is wrong when selecting [Show Related Elements]/[Show hidden Relationships] of its, diagram or Classes Pop-up menu after deleting Usage of Required Interface from the Diagram
[3985] An exception does not appear when unsupported models are selected in IPresentation.setLabel(String label), setProperty(String key, String value), setProperties(Map map),INodePresentation.setLocation(Point2D location),setHeight(doubleheight), setWidth(double width) or ILinkPresentation.setPoints(Point2D[]points) of Astah API
[3984] If an InstanceSpecification/Part has a BaseClass which has an alias, when you try to modify its name, an alias of its BaseClass appears instead of its actual name
[3981] A confirm dialog does not appear when changing a name of Lifeline/Message in Alias mode in Sequence/Communication Diagram
[3980] Alias does not apply for Template Parameter Type, Default Value and Actual Parameter of Template Binding in Class Diagram
[3979] Alias does not apply for Message’s parameters and return value type in Sequence/Communication Diagram
[3978] Transation gets clear and IClass’s INodePresentation would not be created by running StructureDiagramEditor.createNodePresentation(IElement model, INodePresentation parent, Point2D location) and model is IClass and parent is IPackage
[3974] Selecting “Convert to Association Class” of Association’s Pop-Up menu between Classes could create invalid models
[3971] Structured Class is oversized if it is drawn by dragging Class to Composite Structure Diagram
[3970] Moving a Part could cause an exception
[3968] Unnecessary Stereotypes are shown in Part when you select “Show part” of Pop-up menu of Class with Template Parameter
[3967] [Show Hidden Relationships] of Diagram’s Pop-up menu does not work
[3966] Provided/Required Interfaces will be shown duplicated by dragging related classes to the Diagram
[3965] Wrong connections of Provided Interface and Required Interface in Class Diagrams that are generated by [Auto Create Detailed Class Diagram] and [Auto Create Class Diagram]
[3964] It is unable to create Packages from Toolbar sometimes
[3963] While [System Properties] – [Basic] – [Reuse the color when creating the same kind of item] is ON, dragging a model from Structure Tree to Diagram could cause an exception
[3962] It is unable to update Requirement Table after moving a Package which contains Requirements into other Package
[3961] Nested classes are selectable upon a dialog for Export Java, C#, C++
[3960] An exception happens when exporting Nested classes by Export C#
[3959] Classes(Structured Classes) can be dragged under the Artifacts in the Structure Tree
[3958] Actors and subsystems are not included for Export Java
[3957] Interface with UseCases, Component, Node and Artifacts are exported as their Attributes upon on Export Java
[3956] Artifacts can be dragged under the Artifacts in the Structure Tree
[3954][3926][3886] It generates invalid models that [Correct models] command cannot fix
[3953] After turning [Stereotype Visibility] Off and ON of Subsystems and Component Instances, you won’t be able to edit these stereotypes
[3952] [New Item Color] of System Properties do not apply to Association Class when it is dragged to the Diagram from Structure Tree
[3951] Unnecessary model elements will be drawn when you drag and drop Class and Association Class to the Diagram at the same time [3948] Strange lines appear when resizing model elements with Shift key down
[3947] By checking on Java, C# or C++ for Project setting, invalid stereotypes are added to Requirements and TestCases automatically
[3946] Non-related associations will be drawn when selecting “Show Hidden Relationships” in Class, UseCase, Component, Deployment diagrams
[3943] An Activity Diagram gets deleted when using Reference Model Management feature
[3942] There are [Show Part] and [Show Port] menus in Pop-up menu of Components in Deployment Diagram
[3941] There is no frame in Class Diagrams that are created by [Auto Create Detailed Class Diagram] or [Auto Create Class Diagram]
[3940] Order of Nodes and Artifacts gets strange in the Structure Tree
[3939] An exception happens when cloning a Package which contains a Component Diagrams includes combined Interfaces
[3938] Order of Components gets strange in the Structure Tree
[3937] It is unable to create the Usage continuously with holding Shift key down
[3936] Cloning a Package which contains Composite Structure Diagram could break joined Interfaces
[3934] Converting models from Text does not work for Data Flow Diagrams
[3931] [Edit] – [Set Color for Stereotype] does not apply if the stereotype was written in Capital
[3927] By adjusting Action size by [Adjust Size] menu, resized Action could get out of Partition
[3924] Import Java does not work sometimes if Template Parameter Type has . in its namespace
[3923] Definition, CombinedFragment, InteractionUse, State Invariant’s [Kind] was empty in Search pane
[3920] Import Java does not reverse TemplateClasses if they have more than two Template Parameter types
[3919] Import Java does not reverse Attributes or Methods of Interfaces if they have more than two semi colons
[3917] Import Java generates unnecessary Packages or Classes
[3914] During [System Properties] – [File] – [Include diagram information upon on [HTML]] is on, diagrams under the Operation are not exported
[3913] [Open Traceability Map] menu works for Read-only models
[3912] [Update Traceability Map] menu works for Read-only Traceability Maps
[3911] Import Java does not reverse sources that indicate Classes separated in Template Class Parameter extends with. between
[3909] Sorting Attributes and some setting of visibilities work for Read-only ER Diagram
[3908] When exporting images of diagrams which contain \ / : , ; * ? < > | in their names, the diagram names will be changed automatically
[3907] When exporting a project contains a diagram named Index to HTML, it links to JavaDoc Index page, not to the Index diagram (Same problem with a Class named Index)
[3905] Read-only Traceability map gets updated automatically when it is opened
[3903] “Show Hidden Relationships” menu applies for Read-only Class, UseCase, Component, Deployment and ER Diagrams
[3900] Cloning a Package do not clone Ports inside of it properly
[3896] ESC key does not work for [Tool] – [Correct Invalid Models]
[3894] Submachine state cannot be created inside a State in Statemachine Diagram
[3893] By selecting “Show Part” of Structured Class brings unnecessary associations between Structured Class to Part in the Diagram
[3892] Required Interfaces stay unless its related Port is deleted from Diagram in Composite Structure Diagram and Component Diagram
[3891] An invalid alert appears when deleting an Association End name in the Diagram of self-association in Class and Composite Structure Diagram
[3890] An exception happens by pressing [Enter] key during a file chooser dialog is shown after [Tool] – [Export Image]
[3885] Invalid models could get generated by deleting some reference models
[3881] Notation of AcceptEvent Action is wrong
[3380] An exception happens when taking a Class out of a Package in the Class diagram which exists under Package::Class
[3879] When a Class diagram exists under a Class, if you take Package, Subsystem or UseCase out of their parent Package, they would be moved to wrong spot automatically
[3878] When a Class diagram exists under an UseCase, if you take Package, Subsystem, Class or UseCase out of their parent Package, they would be move to wrong spot automatically
[3874] Width of cells is too narrow in CRUD on Nimbus Look and Feel
[3870] By selecting “Show Part” of Class’s Pop-up menu, an unnecessary association between Class and Part appears in the Composite Structure Diagram
[3869] By dragging a Class which has Part on from Structure Tree to Composite Structure Diagram, an unnecessary association between Class and Part appears
[3868] It allows a Lifeline to have a self-message to itself
[3865] When converting an Association Class to an Association, its related provided Interface will stay
[3863] By resizing a Lifeline, a message could go above the Lifeline
[3859] There is no underline for the name of static Association End
[3835] Search pane’s pop-up menu,”Show in Structure Tree” indicates for models that do not even show in the Structure Tree
[3652] [Auto Create Detailed Class Diagram] and [Auto Create Class Diagram] do not apply for Inner Classes