Pro 8.1 (January 30, 2019)

Released: January 30, 2019
Model Version compatibility link: 38
Bundled Java: 1.8.0_192 (AdoptOpenJDK)


AdoptOpenJDK as Astah’s JRE


Due to Oracle’s end of public support of Java8 for commercial users, we’ve changed the bundled JRE for Astah to AdoptOpenJDK.
If your company security policy does not allow a use of app with un-supported JRE, update to version 8.1, then you will be all set.

Have you experienced the usability of the latest version?

If you haven’t updated to Version 8.0, which was released last September, you are missing a lot.
There are many awesome new features to make your software modeling more fun, faster and effective.
Check out what’s been included in version 8.0.

See Version 8.0
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How to Update to Version 8.1

Launch Astah and go to [Help] – [Software Update Information] to check the latest version info.

If Availability says “Y”

You can use Version 8.1 with your current license. Click [Download Site] on the window and download Version 8.1.

If Availability says “N”

You need to renew your license support to update to Version 8.1.
Please purchase Support Renewal License and renew your license support.

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Improvements and Bug Fixes

Version 8.1 includes several major bug fixes!

  • [7410] We switched bundled JRE from Oracle Java to AdoptOpenJDK.
  • [7437] [Update Diagram] menu is added to adjust the model elements on the diagram.
    We’ve changed a drawing library with this version, so diagrams created with earlier version may look different on Ver8.1. This [Update Diagram] menu adjusts the difference to make the diagram look better.
  • [—-] We discontinued the Startup Screen.
  • Following bugs have been fixed.
  • [7416] It takes longer to load .asta files after updating to Ver 8.0.
  • [7401] An exception error occurs when trying to change the font color of line labels.
  • [7392] Unable to show Astah on full screen on Mac.
  • [5351] Input/Output Pins connected to Actions will be relocated incorrectly when automatically resizing the Actions or converting it to CallBehaviourActions.
  • [6380] Texts could stick out of objects when increasing/decreasing the zoom.
  • [7387] Showing Ports on Parts in Composite Structure Diagram could throw an exception error.
  • [7384] Relocating Mindmap topics could thrown an exception error.
  • [7389] Starting and Ending points could be located strangely when you create lines in Curve or Curve (Right-angle) style with more than one midway points.
  • [7398] Commandline tools won’t work when you are running Astah with Floating License.
  • [7405] It is unable to create another DataFlowDiagram from existing ProcessBoxes.
  • [7408] Exported DFD Hierarchy spreadsheet would not open.
  • [7412] When you close dialogue asking you if you want to overwrite existing file upon exporting Entity Definition Report, it’ll launch Microsoft Excel.
  • [7407] It could fail to export Entity Definition Report.
  • [7430] It is unable to modify Qualifier directly on diagram.
  • [7443] Moving model elements with shortcut key (Ctrl + Arrow keys) could thrown an exception.