When you specify Type in the Combobox of Property View (Listed below), [Select] will be on the top of the selection to enable you to type and find it fast
It supports wildcard such as * and ?
Attribute – [Base]Tab – [Type]
Operation – [Base]Tab – [Return Value]
Operation – [Parameters]Tab – [Type]
Class – [Attribute]Tab – [Type]
Class – [Operation]Tab – [Return Value]
Class – [Template Parameter]Tab – [Type] / [Default Value]
Now 20 suggestions appear in the Combo box of the Property View
Improvements on Class Diagrams/CompositeStructure Diagram
You can preset the default type for Parameters (in Operations) when creating them in Class/CompositeStructure Diagrams
[System Properties] – [Basic] – [Default Type of Parameter (i.e. String – java.lang) ] Default: int
BusinessActor, BusinessUseCase, BusinessEntity and BusinessWorker
These models are newly supported in the diagrams listed below
Class Diagram
InstanceSpecification (BusinessEntity)
InstanceSpecification (BusinessWorker)
UseCase Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Lifeline (BusinessActor)
Lifeline (BusinessEntity)
Lifeline (BusinessWorker)
Communication Diagram
Lifeline (BusinessActor)
Lifeline (BusinessEntity)
Lifeline (BusinessWorker)
Deployment Diagram
InstanceSpecification (BusinessEntity)
InstanceSpecification (BusinessWorker)
A model with “actor” and “business” stereotypes
A model with “business” stereotype
A model with “entity” and “business” stereotypes
A model with “control” and “business” stereotypes
Improvements on Structure Tree
Add new option to show States (Submachine states) in the Structure Tree
[System Properties] – [Project View] – [Show States (Submachine states) on the structure tree, Default: OFF
Add new option to show Actions (CallBehavior Actions) on the structure tree
[System Properties] – [Project View] – [Show Actions (CallBehavior Actions) on the structure tree, Default: OFF
Improvements on Sequence Diagram
[Create Reply Message] added on Message’s Pop-up menu
Now you can create a Reply Message from Message’s Pop-Up Menu “Create Reply Message”
Reply Message for Frames and InteractionUse
Reply Messages can be created for Messages that originated from Frames or InteractionUses
[Reply Message Automatic Mode] works for Messages that originated from Frames or InteractionUses
You can change the Operation’s name when renaming the message on the Diagram
When Message’s Target lifelines has a Class which has SuperClass or Interface and you create a new Operation from the message’s Pop-up Menu, now you can select a Class that creates the Operation
Improvements on Communication Diagram
You can change the Operation’s name when renaming the message on the Diagram
When Message’s Target lifelines has a Class which has SuperClass or Interface and you create a new Operation from the message’s Pop-up Menu, now you can select a Class that creates the Operation
Improvement on Statemachine Diagram
States and Submachine States
Resizing the States and Submachine States makes the its name, InternalTransition, Entry/Do/Exit contents wrapped
Resizing the Submachine States makes its included contents wrapped
[Auto Resize] menu is added on its Pop-up menu
ON: Unable to wrap the contents This mode gets turned OFF when resizing the States/Submachine States manually
OFF: Allows you to wrap the contents
Improvements on ER Diagrams
You are able to add multiple domains from the menu below
[Tool] – [ER Diagram] – [Add ER Domains]
[Add ER Domains] from Pop-up menu of ER Model, Domain Package and Domains in the Structure Tree
A new button to select specific ER Entities on the tool bar
Specified ER Entity will not show on the Tool bar if its Type is empty
Resource Entity
This creates an ER Entity with Type and color specified in the [Project Property] – [Project Property Setting] – [New ER Entity Type Color] – [Type 1] from Project’s Property
Event Entity
This creates an ER Entity with Type and color specified in the [Project Property] – [Project Property Setting] – [New ER Entity Type Color] – [Type 2] from Project’s Property
Summary Entity
This creates an ER Entity with Type and color specified in the [Project Property] – [Project Property Setting] – [New ER Entity Type Color] – [Type 3] from Project’s Property
Entity Type 4~9
This creates an ER Entity with Type and color specified in the [Project Property] – [Project Property Setting] – [New ER Entity Type Color] – [Type 4~9] from Project’s Property
Improvements on MindMap
When creating a new topic, it chooses the closest parent topic from where you click on the map
When moving a topic to go under another parent topic, it chooses the closest parent topic from where you drag on the map
Convenient auto-scroll after changing the topic name
Auto-scroll shows the whole topic when the topic becomes wider than the right end of the map
Improvements on DataFlow Diagram
Now DataFlow can be created between:
External Entities
DataStore and External Entity and vice versa
Improvement on Flowchart
Following new icons are added in Sanno Style
Key in
Print Out
E mail
Improvements on Diagram Editor
Alignment Guide
Alignment Guide appears when moving models on the Diagram
A green dashed line appears when moving models on the Diagram
There are some model elements which are not supported for the Alignment Guide
Improvements on Grid
With Grid, you can align models up/down/right/left and centered
When you are moving model elements by Keyboard, only left top is to be aligned
Improvements on Draw Suggest Feature
Having a mouse close to the model will show the suggestions
New Draw Suggest Feature for Mind Map
+ icon : Open all the topics
– icon: Close all the topics
To enable this feature, check on [Tool] – [System Properties] – [Diagram Editor] – [Show Draw Suggest on the Diagram Editor (Restart Astah)] option
[System Properties] – [Diagram Editor] – [Knob Color] Default: White
Most models would be editable when creating them
Better look when selecting models by dragging
New look on Tool bar
You can move the Diagram tabs by drag and drop
[Note] Unable to do this on Mac OS Aqua Look & Feel
Improved the move of Zoom in/out by Ctrl + Mousewheel
New shortcut key is added, [Ctrl + W] to close the Diagram Editor tab
Improvements on Pop-up menu options on the Diagram Editor
[Show Related Elements] and [Show Hidden Relationships] menus are now available for the models below.
Packages (Models/Subsystems) in Class, UseCase and CompositeStructure Diagram
Parts and Ports in Component and CompositeStructure Diagram
Improvement on Copy&Paste
Note(*), Text, Rectangle, Line, Images can be pasted on different type of diagrams (*)Note cannot be pasted on Mind Map
Improvement on Java6 Default Model
New Java6 Default Model
New Default model is stored in Astah Install Folder\template\project\Java6.asta
This opens by [File] – [New By Template
This can be opened every time as new file by setting [Astah Built-in Template] for [Tool] – [System Properties] – [Create New Project by:] and [Java6.asta] for [Tool] – [System Properties] – [Template File]
New Interfaces are added in Java5.asta
New Interfaces and Classes are added in Java1.4.asta
Improvement on Search View
Now you are able to jump to diagram from Internal Transition in the Search pane
Improvements on Splash
Better look on the Splash
Java6 Splash is used
Improvement on dialogs
[ESC] key closes the most dialog windows
[Check Invalid Models] command is added
You can check if there is any invalid models in the project by [Tool] – [Correct Model] – [Check Invalid Models]
This command checks if there is any invalid models in the current project
Invalid models could be created by the discordance of models by Astahs bugs
An exception may occur if you continue to work on projects with invalid models in
You can correct invalid models if they are detected
Astah project obfuscated XMI Utility
You are able to export obfuscated XMI file from bat file
This allows you to generate obfuscated XMI file from your Astah by command line
This XMI file can be used for Astah development team to analyze the bug
[bat file for Windows] : Astah install folder/jude-run.bat
[sh file for Linux] : Astah install folder/jude-run.sh
Please refer to Reference Manual or obfuscated-xml.html in Astah install folder
Improvements on API Sample programs
Improvement on Astah C++ Reverse Program
Doxgen1.7.1 support
This program generates Astah models from C++ Source Code. For details, please read the Astah install folder\api\sample\sample_doxygen_c_plus\sample_doxygen_c_plus.html
Improvement on Astah C# Reverse Program
Doxgen1.7.1 support
This program generates Astah models from C# Code. For details, please read the Astah install folder\api\sample\sample_doxygen_c_sharp\sample_doxygen_c_sharp.html
No technical support is provided for API Sample programs
Fixed Bugs
[4166] By using the main menu, diagrams are created under the selected element (Node, Component, Artifact) on thestructure tree.
[4159] An Actor is created under the UseCase if a Lifeline (Actor) is created in the Sequence Diagram under the UseCase.
[4152] An exception error happens when selecting [Open Diagram] while Requirement Table and other diagram are selected in the Structure Tree.
[4150] Wrong error message pops up when creating more than one Attribute with the same name.
[4145] Text is always wrapped when modifying it of State, Submachine State and Transition of Statemachine Diagram, InstanceSpecification of Class Diagram, Lifeline of Sequence Diagram, ObjectNode of Activity Diagram, Lifeline of Communication Diagram, InstanceSpecification of Deployment Diagram and External Entity and Datastore of DataFlow Diagram.
[4143] Pressing Ctrl+F/Ctrl+M adds Attributes/Operations to Artifacts/Lifelines in the Diagram Editor.
[4136] Merging projects have Ports in could generate invalid models.
[4133] Merging projects after executing [Tool] – [Correct Invalid Model] – [Reset All Models ID] could generate invalid models.
[4131] [ESC] key does not cancel the creation of association lines sometimes.
[4104] When clicking around where Messages arrow is in Sequence Diagram, Astah automatically tries to switch the Message’s lifelines
[4103] An invalid model may be created by deleting InteractionUse after switching the Message’s source from it to other lifelines
[4102] An exception occurs by copying Messages and Lifelines at the same time
[4101] Switching Source/Target of Message could get the Message out of ExecutionSpecification and not update the Index of the Message
[4100] Creating Attributes by Suggest Feature could create Operations instead
[4099] Improved the performance of grabbing the midway points of lines such as associations
[4098] No error message appears when OutOfMemoryError happens during merging projects
[4097] Dragging a message which has the same Source/Target OccurrenceSpecifican and a Reply message makes the notation of its Reply Message wrong
[4094] The moving of Interaction Use in Sequence Diagram does not work properly sometimes
[4092] Creating a new Message could detach OccurrenceSpecification from Lifeline sometimes
[4091] Pressing [ESC] key right after creating Attributes/Operations on the diagram disables Suggest Feature
[4090] No error message appears when OutOfMemoryError happens during inputting/outputting XMI file
[4089] There are no [Show Related Elements] or [Show Hidden Relationships] menus on Association Class’s Pop-up menu
[4088] An exception could happen when importing Java Skelton code of Subsystems which were exported from [Export Java]
[4086] Moving the CombinedFragment Up/Down in the Sequence Diagram detaches the Message from the CombinedFragment
[4085] Display of Part contents in CompositeStructure Diagram/Component Diagram is not correct during editing them
[4084] Cloned ports will lose its Type in the CompositeStructure Diagram/Component Diagram
[4083] Creating Attributes/Operations on the Diagram continuously with [Enter] key may add unnecessary Attributes/Operations
[4081] Improve the difficulty of switching the targets of Associations/Messages on the Diagram
[4080] Message’s Sender/Receiver does not show in its Property if its Frame or InteractionUse
[4079] Entering “{}” in Association End’s name directly in the Diagram Editor throws an exception error
[4076] Moving a Message (That is originated from InteractionUset toward Frame) up could detach the Message from InteractionUse
[4075] [Align] – [Align Horizontally]/[Align Vertically] menu do not work for plural classes and associations Package
[4074] If Diagram Editor does not show diagram names properly on its tab if the name is long
[4072] Association End’s visibility information is not correct after [Import Java] sometimes
[4067]An exception error happens when changing parent entity’s primary key information in some cases
[4066] Some options are missing when opening the System Property windows in default size
[4065] After pressing [ESC] key down while editing model names in the Diagram, it wouldn’t let you move the model with arrow keys
[4064] Selecting other models by dragging the mouse does not work if other models are already selected
[4060] Selecting models by dragging does not work for models inside a State in Statemachine Diagram unless there is more than one state inside the State
[4059] Transitions would not appear on the Diagram after moving them between States in Statemachine Diagram
[4058] [Show Port] menu does not apply for Components created from referenced projects
[4057] Total Merge Utility Guide is missing from Astah Professional install folder
[4056] Plural transitions should not be created from one Initial Pseudo State in Statemachine Diagram
[4055] When Project Language is set as Java, C++ and C#, and Class’s enum and its attribute’s enum constant are ON, by checking off one of languages (Java, C++ or C#), the enum and enum constant get turned OFF
[4054] Namespace is not included in header file exported by [Export C++] if the Namespaces of its class’s Super Class and Sub Class are different
[4053] When launching Astah, the message with effective days left is not correct
[4050][4048] [Export C++] does not generate Virtual functions correctly.
[4047] Class Name is missing in the C++ Skelton Code generated by [Export C++] if the Class has static attributes
[4046] Hyperlink cannot be set properly if comma(,) is entered in Hyperlink file name, URL or Comment
[4045] Error message is not correct when it appears when an error happens due to compatibility of model versions on [Compare Project] menu
[4043] Compile error occurs when executing [Export C++] if its exporting Class has attributes with initial values already been set
[4042] It is unable to avoid having the Software Update Information dialog when launching Astah
[4040] An inappropriate dialog appears by pressing [Ctrl+F]/[Ctrl+M] while Parts/Ports are selected in the CompositeStructure Diagram
[4039] [MacOS] [Print by using the print setting for the project] option’s checkbox is missing from the [Print Setup (Diagram) dialog
[4036] Specifying a default model by using this API method does not work, ProjectAccessor.create(String projectPath, String templatePath),ProjectAccessor.create(String projectPath, String templatePath, boolean useDefinedTaggedValues)
[4035] ER domain should not have more than one Physical name
[4033] Importing User defined tagged value by using this API method does not work, ProjectAccessor.create(String projectPath, boolean useDefinedTaggedValues),ProjectAccessor.create(String projectPath, String templatePath, boolean useDefinedTaggedValues)
[4032] No confirmation dialog appears when deleting a Package which contents models that are used in other diagrams
[4031] Exporting Obfuscated XMI does not hold the information of images that are attached with Mind Map Topic
[4029] ID and Text in Requirement Table do not get obfuscated when exporting Obfuscated XMI project
[4027] Communication Diagram’s Messages do not appear on exported EMF sometimes
[4026] Transition name of states would not show properly by executing Auto Layout in the Statemachine Diagram
[4023] Unable to set the String for attribute’s multiplicity (Add IAttribute.setMultiplicity(String[][] ranges))
[4020] Array should not be specified for [Type] on the [Template Parameter] tab of Class’s Property
[4015] Dragging Part and Interface together on the CompositeStructure Diagram throws an exception
[4014] Reversing API sample files (C++ Reversing Program, C# Reversing Program) may fail if they contain Class’s attribute arrays
[4013] There is no frames in the diagrams created by Astah API
[4012] An invalid message may appear when creating a Part with UnknownType
[4009] Double-clicking on ID of Requirement in the Diagram shows a Requirement Name
[4008] ER Entity with no name will be created when dragging and dropping the unnamed BoundClass to ER Diagram
[4007] Artifact Map created by [Create Artifact Map] on the Project’s Pop-up menu in the Structure Tree contains this Artifact map itself
[4004] Renaming the Traceability Map in the Structure Tree renames the Roottopic label
[4001] StructuredClass in the CompositeStructure Diagram should not allow to create more than one Part which has the same name and type
[3992] It is unable to modify InstanceSpecification after checking off [InstanceSpecification Name Visibility]/[Classifier Visibility] from its Pop-up menu
[3921] By moving an Operand up to outside of a frame, ExecutionSpecifications would look strangely
[3655] Moving a CombinedFragment by dragging makes StateInvariants appear strangely