New Features & Improvements
Search in Diagram
It is now more direct and easier to find a model you are looking for. Simply press [Ctrl+F] to open a Search bar just like how you do on a web browser, but on the diagram directly, and then type the text you want to search for.
Just like marking models with highlight marker! Element highlighter can be used for marking/checking models or during presentations in any way you like. The highlighter appearance can be customized by line width, line type, alpha and color to make it look like your favorite marker.
Mini Icon
Fixed Bugs
- [4337] Invalid models may be generated by opening a project which includes CRUD by [New] – [New By Template]
- [4335] An exception could occur by [Tool] – [Requirement] – [Export Requirement Table to Excel]
- [4332] An exception could occur when executing [Convert to ER Diagram] for Class Diagram/[Convert to Class Diagram] for ER Diagram if these diagrams are in read-only project
- [4330] An exception could occur when cloning CRUD after creating a project that includes CRUD by [New] – [New By Template]
- [4329] Executing [Save as XMI Project] could occur exception error after importing a project via XMI which includes CRUD
- [4328] Cloning diagrams in Read-only project could occur exception error
- [4326] A warning message now appears if a default model to open by [File]-[New By Template] has Reference models
- [4325] Internal IDs are not initialized sometimes when creating a new file by [File]-[New By Template] (Invalid models may be generated by merging this project file with others.)
- [4324] The width of State in Statemachine Diagram does not change even though the vertical region is added while the Auto Resize is off
- [4319] In [Flexible Merge], wrong “reason of the difference” appears for Line and Freehand
- [4305] An exception error happens when converting texts from Clipboard into DFD models
- [4301] Invalid models may be generated by merging projects which have Connector models
- [4298] Name of Required Interface would not be displayed after deleting a Realization of Provided Interface which connects with the Required Interface from Diagram or Model
- [4296] Submachine Name in the [Submachine] tab of Statemachine State property will not be automatically set when creating a Submachine State by dragging a Statemachine Diagram from Structure Tree to Diagram (Same as CallBehavior Action in Activity Diagram)
- [4294] External Part does not be depicted in dashed line when selecting [Show Part] from Structured Class’s Pop-up menu if the Structured Class is drawn on Diagram by dragging it from the Structure Tree
- [4293] [Tool] – [Correct Model] – [Correct Invalid Models] command does not correct certain invalid models
- [4289] Relationship type in ER Diagram changes when updating models on [Reference Model Management]
- [4288] [Export C++] does not work properly if the models contain * in Multiplicity
- [4287] [Export C++] exports class namespace wrongly sometimes
- [4286] Old product name “JUDE” is included in some of Mind Map icons
- [4282] An exception error happens after sorting the columns in [New Template] from [Tool] – [ER Diagram] – [Export Entity Definition Report]
- [4280] An exception error could happen by selecting [Convert to Class] from the ER Entity’s Pop-up menu
- [4279] An exception error could happen when selecting [Show Hidden Relationships] from the Pop-up menu of Structured Class or Components which have Port
- [4276] Specifying the current or Relative Path for the target directory on Astah command Line Tool does not work
- [4268] less<T> is missing from the default model, C++.asta
- [4267] [Export Java]/[Export C#] do not work properly if the Template Class’s Template Type is an anonymous Bound Class
- [4264] [OK] button of [System Properties] windows does not work right after creating a new project
- [4259] Two messages appear overlapped when you create one from Lifeline to interactions and vice versa. Furthermore, by dragging one of them to move would place the message on the wrong spot
- [4257] Multiple ER Domains with the same physical name could exist after merging projects
- [4256] Stereotype does not be taken over when converting Class to ER Entity
- [4252] Selections in the Combo-box of Operation of Message’s Property appear wrongly if the Message’s target lifeline’s Base Class has two Operations with the same name but different Return Value
- [4251] When Import Java fails, a dialog to assist to figure out the solution appears
- [4249] It is unable to set Alias for Requirement Diagram Frame
- [4248] It is unable to enter the ID for DataStore directly on the diagram, and [Enter] key to confirm does not work
- [4233] It is unable to specify a Template Parameter for [Actual Parameter] of Template Parameter tab of TemplateBinding’s Property
- [4231] When converting ER Diagrams to Class Diagrams, all the Attributes stereotypes, Language information, Constraints and Hyperlinks of Classes would be taken over (When converting Class Diagrams to ER Diagrams, all the Hyperlinks and TaggedValues of ER Entity would be taken over)
- [4214] Necessary templates are not included in the selection of Class chooser combo-box
- [4212] Mistakes in Template Definition in the default model, C++.asta (list<T,Allocator>allocator> should be list<T, and Allocator=allocator<T>>, allocator should be allocator<T>)
- [4208] Anonymous Bound Classes would be exported with the wrong name if the TemplateBinding’s Default Value is empty when exporting to Java, C# or C++
- [4206] .Net Framework4 classes are missing from the default model, CSharp.asta
- [4199][4266] Bound Classes cannot get exported to Java, C# or C++ if they have names
- [4185] Moving CombinedFragment could get the message out of the execution specification
- [4172] Improved the button label in [Stereotype Color Map] dialog
- [4165] Improved the hover display of Lifeline in Sequence Diagram and Partition in Activity Diagram
- [4155] The wrong error message appears when an exception happens when using Obfuscated Xml Export Utility
- [4113] It should not allow Template Parameters of ones other than Parent Class to be selected for Part Type
- [4323] [MacOS] All buttons are not shown on [Set Color for Stereotype] dialog when you open it
- [4309] [MacOS] Path error could occur by turning [Copy all formats of images to Clipboard with Ctrl+C] on the System Properties
- [4290] [MacOS] Wrong text is included on tooltip of ZoomIn/ZoomOut
- [4265] [MacOS] [Ctrl+C] mentioned in System Properties does not apply to Mac OS X