The product name has been changed from JUDE/Professional to Astah Professional
The setup files are moved from \.jude\Professional to \.astah\Professional
The Astah setup files are copied from User Home Directory\.jude\Professional to User Home Directory\.astah\Professional when starting Astah.
To all the JUDE/Professional Users
JUDE/Professional license is valid for Astah Professional if the license support period is not expired
The Astah setup files are copied from User Home Directory\.jude\Professional to User Home Directory\.astah\Professional when starting Astah. The JUDE license file (JUDE_License_User_Professional.xml) is also copied in the new directory.
The extension of project files is changed from .jude to .asta
.jude files can be opened in Astah
Astah log file
Log file is moved from User Home Directory\jude.log to User Home Directory\.astah\Professional\astah_pro.log.
Requirement Analysis Support
New model “Requirement” is added
Requirement can hold information such as its name, ID and Text.
Establish a relationship between Requirements and define the type of relationship out of Derive Requirements, Copy, Satisfy, Verify, Refine or Trace in the [Client]/[Supplier] Tab of Requirement’s Property View.
How to create a Requirement
Select [Create Model] – [Add Requirement] from the Pop-up menu of Project, Model, Subsystem, Package and Requirement
Select [Add Child Requirement]/[Add Brother Requirement] from Pop-up menu of Requirement Table
Select [Add Requirement] from Pop-up menu of Requirement Table (Only when there is no Requirements on it)
New model “TestCase” is added
TestCase can hold information such as its name, ID and Definition to it.
Establish a relationship between TestCase and Requirements and define the type of relationship out of Satisfy, Verify or Refine in the [Supplier] Tab of TestCase’s Property View.
How to create a TestCase
Select [Create Model] – [Add TestCase] from the Pop-up menu of Project, Model, Subsystem, Package and TestCase
Requirement Table is implemented
Requirement Tables show the list of Requirements with their names, IDs and texts hierarchically.
How to create a Requirement Table
Select [Create Diagram] – [Add Requirement Table] from the Pop-up menu of Project, Model, Subsystem, Package and Requirement
Setup of Requirement Table
Format of Requirement Table can be setup in [Edit Requirement Table] dialog. This dialog opens when new Requirement Table is created, by selecting [Edit Requirement Table] button from either Pop-up menu of Requirement Table in the Structure Tree or in the Property view of Requirement Table
Display Model :
Display the top parent if the requirement table is created under a requirement [Default: ON]
Display requirements under sub packages [Default: ON]
Hierarchy :
All Hierarchies [Default: ON]
Hierarchy Range (1 to 20)
Default : 2
Sort Order :
Name (ASC)
Name (DESC)
Text (ASC)
Text (DESC)
Display Items :
ID [Default: ON]
Name [Default: ON]
Text [Default: ON]
Edit ID, Name and Text of Requirements on the Requirement Table directly.
Pop-up menu of Requirements on the Requirement Table
Add Child Requirement
Add a new Requirement under selected Requirement
Add Brother Requirement
Add a new Requirement in the same level where the selected Requirement is
Edit Source Dependency
Specify source models of selected Requirement. The relationship type from Derive Reqt, Copy, Satisfy, Verify, Refine or Trace can be defined.
Edit Target Dependency
Specify target models of selected Requirement. The relationship type from Derive Reqt, Copy, Satisfy, Verify, Refine or Trace can be defined.
Convert to UseCase
Reference from Requirement Table
Jump to the selected Requirement on other Requirement Tables
Show in Structure Tree
Export Requirement Table to Excel
Export Requirement Tables to Excel using a template by selecting
[Export Requirement Table to Excel] from Pop-up menu of Requirement Table in the Structure Tree
[Tool] – [Requirement] – [Export Requirement Table to Excel] from Main Menu
Import Requirement Table from Excel
Import Requirement Tables from Excel by selecting
[Tool] – [Requirement] – [Import Requirement Table from Excel] from Main Menu
If there are Requirements that have same ID or name, ones in Excel file will overwrite ones that already exist in project
If there are Requirement Tables that have same name, the setting of one in project will apply
Print Setup(Project), Print Setup(Diagram)
New tab [Requirement Table] is added which contains [Print to Multi-Page] option
Convert to Mind Map Topics
Requirements, TestCases and Requirements Tables can be converted to Mind Map topics by doing drag & drop onto Mind map from Structure Tree
Exporting Requirements and TestCases to RTF Document
Exporting list of Requirements and TestCases
Check on following options in [Export RTF Document Option]
[Basic] – [Requirement List] (Default: ON)
[Basic] – [TestCase List] (Default: ON)
Exporting Requirement Tables
Check on following options in [Export RTF Document Option]
[Diagram] – [Requirement Table] (Default: ON)
Exporting Requirements and TestCases
Check on following options in [Export RTF Document Option]
[Model] – [Requirement] (Default: ON)
[Model] – [TestCase] (Default: ON)
Traceability Map
Traceability Map visualizes the traceability of selected models on a map
Create a Traceability Map to each model and it represents all the models, diagrams, hyperlinks that the model is related to. The traceability of the model can be seen at a glance in this traceability map.
How to create a Traceability Map
Select [Open Traceability Map] from Pop-up Menu of target model in the Structure Tree
Select [Tool] – [Traceability Map] – [Open Traceability] from Main Menu
Traceability Maps are available under following models:
Package, Model, Subsystem
Requirement, TestCase, Class, UseCase, Component, Artifact, Node, External Entity, Datastore and ER Entity
Traceability Map
Traceability Map is generated by all the models in project and is not available to modify directly
Updating Traceability Map is available by
selecting [Update] button on Traceability Map tool bar
selecting [Update Traceability Map] from Pop-up Menu of target Traceability Map in the Structure Tree
Updating all the Traceability Maps in project is available by
selecting [Update All Traceability Maps] from Project’s Pop-up Menu in the Structure Tree
selecting [Tool] – [Traceability Map] – [Update All Traceability Maps] from Main Menu
Deleting all the Traceability Maps in project is available by
selecting [Delete All Traceability Maps] from Project’s Pop-up Menu in the Structure Tree
selecting [Tool] – [Traceability Map] – [Delete All Traceability Maps] from Main Menu
Topics on Traceability Map
By selecting a topic,
property of selected model will appear in the Property View
By double-clicking a topic,
a Traceability Map of selected model will appear in the Diagram Editor if the topic is a model
the diagram will open in the Diagram Editor, if the topic is a diagram
Convert to Mind Map Topics
Traceability Map topics can be converted to Mind Map topics by doing drag & drop onto Mind map from Structure Tree
Export to RTF Document
Exporting Traceability Map
Check on following options in [Export RTF Document Option]
Sample of getting diagram presentation information
Sample of creating a diagram presentation
Creating models through Text of Clipboard
Create models by pasting text through Clipboard on Diagram Editor. If there are line breaks in the text, multiple models can be created for each line of text.() indicates a default model that text can be converted to each diagram.
Class Diagram (Class)
UseCase Diagram (UseCase)
Statemachine Diagram (State)
Activity Diagram (Action)
Sequence Diagram (Lifeline)
Communication Diagram (Lifeline)
Component Diagram (Component)
Deployment Diagram (Node)
CompositeStructure Diagram (Structured Class)
Flowchart (Flow element)
DataFlow Diagram(DFD) (Process)
ER Diagram (ER Entity)
Mind Map (Topic)
Improvements on converting MindMap to UML
When converting a Mind Map Topic back to UML model, the original UML model type appear in the [Convert to UML model] dialog.
Improvements on converting UML to MindMap
Show UML Icons on Mind Map topics that are converted from UML model
[Tool] – [System Properties] – [Mindmap] – [Show UML icon when converting UML Model to Topic] (Default: ON)
Export Mind Map to PowerPoint file
Export Mind Map to PowerPoint file (.PPT) by selecting:
[Tool] – [Mindmap] – [Export PowerPoint] from Main Menu
[Save as Document] – [Export PowerPoint] from Mind Map’s Pop-up menu in Structure Tree or Mind Map’s in Diagram Editor
Show all the relations
Make all the relations visible on following diagram by selecting [Show Hidden Relationships] from its Pop-up Menu
Class Diagram
UseCase Diagram
Component Diagram
Deployment Diagram
CompositeStructure Diagram
Improvements on Sequence Diagram
Make Lifeline names visible by enabling following option.
[Tool] – [System Properties] – [Diagram Editor] – [Show temp name for Lifeline in Sequence Diagram] (Default: ON)
Adjust Lifeline’s length
Adjust Lifeline’s length
Select [Adjust Lifeline Length] from Lifeline’s Pop-up Menu
Adjust the length of plural Lifelines
Select [Adjust Lifeline Length] from Pop-up menu of Sequence Diagram in the Diagram Editor or of selected multiple Lifeline’s Default, Align to Minimum or Align to Maximum
Adjust ExecutionSpecification’s length
Adjust ExecutionSpecification’s length
Select [Adjust ExecutionSpecification] from ExecutionSpecification’s Pop-up Menu
Adjust the length of plural ExecutionSpecifications
Select [Adjust ExecutionSpecification] from Pop-up menu of Sequence Diagram in the Diagram Editor or of selected multiple ExecutionSpecifications
Improvement on InteractionUse
Creating another sequence diagram through InteractionUse
If InteractionUse does not have a Sequence Diagram created in, double-click on InteractionUse or select [Create Sequence Diagram] from InteractionUse’s Pop-Up Menu to create a sequence diagram
Opening a sequence diagram under InteractionUse
Double-click on InteractionUse or select [Open Nested Diagram] from InteractionUse’s Pop-Up Menu to open the diagram
Improvement on Partition (Activity Diagram) and Lane (Flowchart)
Names of Partitions and Lanes are visible by enabling the option of
[Tool] – [System Properties] – [Diagram Editor] – [Show temp name for Partition/Lane] (Default: ON)
Improvement on Callbehavior Action
Creating another activity diagram through Callbehavior Action
If Callbehavior Action does not have an Activity Diagram created in, double-click on Callbehavior action or select [Create Nested Diagram] from Callbehavior action’s Pop-Up Menu to create an activity diagram
Opening an activity diagram under Callbehavior Action
Double-click on Callbehavior Action or select [Open Nested Diagram] from Callbehavior Action’s Pop-Up Menu to open the diagram
Improvement on Activity Diagram’s option
Default setting of this option has been changed to OFF, [Tool] – [System Properties] – [Basic] – [Allow only one InitialNode in Activity Diagram]
Improvement on Submachine state
SubmachineState is now added in Statemachine diagram’s toolbar
Creating another statemachine diagram through SubmachineState
If SubmachineState does not have a statemachine diagram created in, double-click on SubmachineState or select [Create Nested Diagram] from SubmachineState’s Pop-Up Menu to create a Statemachine diagram
Opening a Statemachine diagram under SubmachineState
Double-click on SubmachineState or select [Open Nested Diagram] from SubmachineState’s Pop-up Menu to open the diagram
Creating new Statemachine and modification of it is available from [Submachine] tab of SubmachineState
Improvement on crating lines on Line (Right Angle) mode
Association lines and Relationship lines won’t overlap each other
Specifying resolution of copying diagram elements as an image or exporting diagram images
Specify resolution when diagram images are copied onto Clipboard or exported as diagram images.
[Tool] – [System Properties] – [Image] – [Expansion rate to copy a diagram as a bitmap image (%)] (Default: 140)
[Tool] – [System Properties] – [Image] – [Use the zoom level of the screen for copy (Minimum 100%)] (Default:None)
[Tool] – [System Properties] – [Image] – [Resolution to export a diagram as a bitmap image (DPI)] (Default: 96)
Setting Body Condition, Post Condition and Precondition to Operation
New tabs [Body Condition], [Post Condition] and [Precondition] are implemented to Operation’s Property View.
Adding Stereotype with Shortcut key (Ctrl+Alt+S)
Shortcut key [Ctrl+Alt+S] adds stereotypes to selected model
Export properties as C#3.0 automatic properties
New option is added in [C# Option] that includes [Export properties as C# 3.0 automatic properties] option
New option for Text and Note
New option has been added in System Properties regarding Text and Note
[Tool] – [System Properties] – [Diagram Editor] – [Show Text and Note at the forefront of the elements] (Default: ON)
New option to display/non-display Collaboration menu
[Tool] – [System Properties] – [Management view] – [Show Collaboration menu on the main menu (Restart Astah)] (Default: OFF)
Minimum size of Frame has been smaller
Opening “.juth” file from Command-line is available
“Astah Support Site” has been added to Help Menu to directly receive Astah support
Fixed Bugs
[3800]The view of the UseCese Description template may not be updated promptly after importing the new template.
[3794]Port is out of Structure Class after changing the notation from the customized icon to the normal icon.
[3793]Icons are not displayed in the conflict list in Flexible Merge dialog.
[3792]Popup menus on the conflict list are not working in Flexible Merge dialog.
[3789]An exception may occur when exporting a project with Data Store by csvexporter in API samples.
[3788]Class definition is not exported by csvexporter in API samples.
[3782]Association End Name and multiplicity cannot be moved on Class Diagram by key operation.
[3781]Destroy Message may be placed on the StateInvariant in Sequence Diagram.
[3780]Mind Maps may not be saved after inserting images.
[3777]Inputted characters may blink on the diagram if the UseCase Description is opened at the same time.
[3776][Correct Invalid Models] may not correct some models.
[3773]New lines may be added in UseCase Description in some cases.
[3769][MacOS] .juth files is not selected in the file chooser.
[3767]Source code can not be imported by Import Java if the annotation type and default value is set to the annotation parameter.
[3761]MultiplicityRange is added to a Part in the Composite Structure Diagram after exporting to XMI.
[3760]Background color is not displayed correctly in Compare Project dialog.
[3759]Composite setting disappears by exporting or importing XMI.
[3757]Auto Resize menu is not working in Mindmap plural popup menu.
[3755]An exception occurs when moving the Usage of Required Interface on diagram.
[3754]Attributes and Operations of Class can be moved to UseCase on diagram.
[3751]StackOverFlow may occur when saving a project with JUDE API.
[3750]An exception occurs after setting the proxy server in the system properties and restart the program.
[3746]Navigation of the AssociationEnd may be set to non navigable when creating an Association with BasicModelEditor.createAssociation() (API).
[3744]Action/Flow element can be created by drag and drop of Topic from the structure tree to the outside of the Partition/Lane.
[3743]An exception occurs when showing an Association Class by using popup menu of Class diagram.
[3742]The logical name of ER Entity is not used when converting ER Diagram to Class Diagram.
[3738]A project cannot be saved if the image is inserted into the diagram and the name is changed.
[3736]A message is displayed after installing the program into the non-writable folder and running it at the first time.
[3735]Doing UNDO while selecting Process after cloning a Package may cause an exception error.
[3733]Cloning a Package clears the setting of diagram under Process in DataFlow Diagram.
[3732]Cloning a Class changes its nest class name
[3731]Cloning a Package clears the setting of Port type (Component’s, Part of Component’s and StructuredClass’s).
[3730]”Operation Return Type Visibility” as missing in the [System Properties] – [Visibility1 (Initial)].
[3729]Cloning a Package contains an Association Class that self-association may cause an exception error.
[3728]Cloning a Package may create invalid models if there was an Association Class that has a BoundClass.
[3727]Cloning a Class does not clone any diagrams under its Operation.
[3726]Cloning a Class does not clone any diagrams under the Class.
[3724]Cloned Attributes and Operations font colors are not the same as original ones after cloning Package that contains Association Class has Attributes and Operations.
[3723]Doing Copy&Paste of InteractionUse causes an exception error if the InteractionUse has a Sequence Diagram setup.
[3717]Cloning Component, Node and Artifact makes stereotype duplicated.
[3711]Messages get out of ExecutionSpecification when moving ExecutionSpecification on CreateMessage.
[3673]After cloning a Package, BaseClass in cloned model (InstanceSpecification in Class Diagram/ObjectNode in Activity Diagram/Lifeline in Sequence Diagram/Lifeline in Communication Diagram/Part in CompositeStructure Diagram) is not correctly set.