Office Integration

Embed Astah diagrams directly in documents of the Microsoft Office products (Word and Excel..etc).


Compatible with
Astah Professional 6.7 or later and UML
Latest Version
1.1.3 (Mar. 14, 2013)
No technical support is provided.

How to Install

* Currently, silent installation cannot be performed.

    1. Download the Plug-in file.
    2. Run the downloaded .msi file to start the installation.
      Astah Office Plugin Install
    3. Install it to Astah Installation folder, then click [Next].
      Installing Office Plugin
    4. Click [Install].
      Installing Office Plugin for Astah
    5. A complete dialog appears, click [Finish].
      Completing installation of Office Plugin
    6. Launch Astah.
      If you see [OfficeBridge] on the main menu, this means the installation has completed successfully.
      Office Plugin on Astah Menu


How to Use

This is an example of using Excel.
* Currently, there is a problem that the menu labels appear in Japanese only on MS products. Please read here for translations.

    1. Launch Astah and open the diagram you want to embed in the documents
    2. Launch Excel. Go to [Object] menu under the [Insert] option.
      Astah Plugin menu on Excel
    3. Choose [Astah Diagram] as the object type, and click [OK].
      Astah Diagram Insert Menu on Excel
      If Astah is not launched at this point, the following popup appears to ask you to launch Astah.
      Click [Yes] (the left button).
      Connection failed
    4. In Astah, open a diagram you want to send to MS product and save this file if you haven’t saved yet. Then go to [OfficeBridge] – [Update Diagram].
      Update Diagram through Office Bridge
    5. The diagram will be embedded in the Excel spreadsheet.
      Updating Astah DiagramsWhen the diagram is embedded, a file path of the connected .asta file and the diagram ID are saved in the document. You can choose to save it as an absolute path or relative path. To do so, right-click on the embedded diagram and select [AstahDiagram – Object] – [設定] (Configuration).
      Astah Diagram Object menu on ExcelYou can see the translation of the configuration window here.
      Also, you can see what this menu offers in English.

      When you update the diagram, go to [OfficeBridge] – [Update Diagram] from Astah to update the embedded diagram.



Currently, all the menu labels appear in Japanese only on MS products. Here’re the translations.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

Astah Diagram Object Menu

Astah Office Plugin Menu


(1) Edit

When you click [Edit], an individual window with embedded diagram appears.
Astah Office Plugin Menu

  • [Edit] and [View] menu do nothing.

– [File]

Office Astah Plugin Menu

  • [Update] to update diagram.
  • [Close] to close the window

– [Help]
Astah Office Plugin Translation



(2) Connect to Astah

This connects to Astah if the connection was disconnected.


(3) Update Diagram

This sends a request to Astah to send the latest diagram to the document.


(4) Configuration

You can choose to save the file path to the connected .asta file as an absolute path or relative path from the document file. You can configure the default setting on the above where marked as (1) and per diagram in the bottom – where marked as (2).
Astah Office Plugin Menu

* Port number you see here is what you specify in Astah and you cannot modify it.


(5) About this Plug-in

Astah Office Plugin



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