VDM Tool Integration

Generate Sequence diagrams from the call histories for Functions/Operations automatically from VDM Tools.


Compatible with
Astah Professional 6.6 or later
Latest Version
1.0.0 (Dec. 17, 2013)
No technical support is provided. Please contact the plug-in author.


How to Install

  1. Download the Plug-in file.
  2. After the download is complete, drag the downloaded .jar file to an open instance of Astah. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm installation, choose [Yes]. If the pop-up below opens, restart Astah.
    Astah Plugin Install
  3. If the [generate Sequence diagram] option appears under [Plugin], your installation is complete!
    VDM Plugin Menu to generate Sequence Diagram



How to Use

  1. Run the command below using the VDMTools Interpreter. This will export calllog.txt.
    >> set calllog
  2. Open the calllog.txt, keep the part you want to export as a Sequence Diagram, and remove the rest. Save the file. (Sample below)
    VDM Plug-in menu
  3. Run Astah, go to [Plugin] – [generate Sequence diagram] and select the calllog.txt file.
    VDM Plugin Menu to generate Sequence Diagram
  4. Then the Sequence Diagram will be generated based on the model information you exported from VDM tool.


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