You can download Astah Professional and Astah UML from Download page.
When you download it, you will be required to enter your name and email address.
After submitting your information, the download will start.
If you are a student, fill the form to get a free student license.
Installers for Windows and Mac OS have required JRE included.
Linux users need to set up required Java by yourself by following the instructions.
You can launch Astah by:
When launching Astah, it automatically looks for new updates through HTTP access and shows a dialogue if a newer version is available.
If you wish not to check for updates, change the option from [Tools] – [System Properties] – [Other].
A free 20-day trial is included at the first installment. When you launch Astah for the first time, a 20-day free trial will start automatically.
If a first trial period passed and a license is not set yet a license dialog appears when you launch Astah.
You can always open this dialogue from [Help] – [License] menu.
If you have a floating license, click [Set Floating License]. For further steps, please read the floating license guide.
If you have a non-floating license, click [Set License key] and specify your license file (.xml).
If you don’t have a license yet, please purchase a license.
You can create a new project file by going to [File] – [New] or clicking the icon.
The useful template files are pre-installed in Astah Installation folder\template\project.
To open one of these template files, go to [File] – [New from Template] and select a file.
You can also create a custom template file and make it as a default to open from [File] – [New].
You can create a new diagram from the [Diagram] menu.
Diagram Thumbnails are available since version 9.0.
There are two ways to open diagram thumbnails.
You can autosave files by turning the auto-save mode on.
You can specify how frequently you want to auto-save from [Tools] – [System Properties] – [File].