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Add an image to your diagram

You can directly insert image files into diagrams. There are two ways to do so.
Drag an image to insert

(1) From tool palette

  1. Click the [image] button from the diagram’s tool palette.
    Insert Image files
  2. Click on a diagram where you want to insert the image.
  3. A file chooser opens. Select an image you want to insert.

(2) By dragging & dropping

  1. Directly drag an image file onto a diagram.
  2. The following pop-up appears. Choose [Insert the image file.] and click [OK].
    Insert Image
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Stereotype Icon

You can also upload image files and use the image instead of UML objects in Astah Professional.
Upload Multiple Stereotypes

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How to switch UML objects to icon

  1. Go to [Tools] – [Project Settings] – [Set Icon for Stereotype]
    Set Stereotype Icon

  2. A window opens, click the [Add] icon.
    Add Stereotype Icon

    If you’d like to upload multiple image files at once, click a [folder] icon.
    Upload multiple image files

  3. One line will be added. Click [Edit] button.
    Edit Stereotype icon

  4. Enter the stereotype and upload an image file you want it to be associated with the stereotype.
    Choosing Custom icon

  5. Now select a class with the stereotype, choose [Customize] on the toolbar.
    Stereotype Icon Set

  6. A model will turn into the related icon.
    Show a model in custom icon
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Add BPMN Look & Feel to an activity diagram!

By using these stereotype icons, you can make a BPMN-like diagram based on an activity diagram.
Read our blog for how.
BPMN in Astah

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C4 model diagram

You can create the C4 model using the C4 model plug-in which is using this Stereotype functionality.
The C4 model in Astah